Warcraft Reforged relaunch whishlist

Hi just heard that there is probably wc3 R relaunch so i wonted to make whishlist .

1.First i would like WC3 R Blizzcon 2018 GFX

2.Few new campaign missions

3.Clock (in game Timer)

4.In game HOTKEY option similar to SC2 (where you can costumise your ctrl and on)

5.Wc3 classic Teamcolour (to pop up) and ability to make teamcolour stronger like in sc2

  1. Auto-mining like in sc2 (so when you start game your workers start mining

7.Animations Portraits and spells rework

8.New balance patches and possible economy Rework

9.Ability to buy new skins for Heroes and Army and maybe add battle pass .

  1. Maybe add some new Neutral heroes like WoW Valeera (human Assassin)

  2. Add removing reworking some new ability’s to Hero units and regular units.

12.Gold mine worker count (above gold mine)

If this is true i am so exacted for future of wc3. Ty for reading what is your wishlist’s post it :slight_smile:


No battle pass please I freaking hate battle passes for how they force you to spend a certain amount of time playing or you don’t get the full value. Since every damn game has a battle pass now, you’re basically forced to choose between one or two games to commit your time to.

Skins: This was a really missed oppertunity. I wonder if Reforged had been more successful if we’d have seen more skins from the beginning.

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I mostly want a working map editor, especially for us mac users because we haven’t had compatibility to that in over ten years.

Also awhile back I made some comments of what I would like to eventually see post launch; like new campaigns, with new map tilesets, creeps, heroes, and other art assets. I kind of had in mind they would be based on events in warcraft’s past, like rise of the black empire, war of the three hammer and war of the shifting sand.

Yes it take some time to grind it some ppl like it some ppl dont :stuck_out_tongue:

I like it personally especially in wc3 (RTS games) so when you lose a game (1v1) or something you still get XP and get reworded with new skins or portraits and on…

Battle pass would make losing a game not feel complete w8st of time but make you grind play more…

But this is only a wishlist so who know maybe we get a lot new stuff maybe not we will see…:smiley:

I mean I could tolerate them better if they didn’t require like constant play every day to complete before they’re over. If I could just play here and there I wouldn’t feel so tied down.

Just want the game to work, and honestly if there going to add anything new new I want the naga race to be playable in 4v4 1v1 etc

no wtf no battle passes the game is already pay to play

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What about adding loot boxes too? That would be nice way to put the nail in the coffin. You start the game just with T1 units. Then for each game you stay for at least 20 minutes you receive a shard. Double if you win. 20 shards gives you a box. Each 3 wins in a row you have 1 piece of key. With 5 pieces you have a key.
When you open the loot box you can find:
75% 3 Blizzard points (with 100 you can buy a box, with 300 a key, with 3000 an icon)
22% 5 shards
2% another loot box
0.99% 1 T2 unit
0.0099% 1 T3 unit
0.0001% a hero

Of course you can buy Blizzard points at the Blizzard shop for $9.99 / 100 points. So you can buy more boxes.

Elite Battle pass, that costs $69.9, gives you doubles the shards and pieces of key.

Now I dare any of you to come up with a more stupid idea.

Oh wait… that’s how 90% of games work today…

Feature parity with pre-Reforged; as we now at least have Custom Campaigns I’d quite like actual single-player custom games back (no, starting through the map editor is not actually equivalent).

No way you could be more tied down than you already are to these forums.

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I browse between games of whatever im playing obviously

The point is I object to how battle passes obligate you to play so much. theres like a million games out there and every game today is saying “no u gotta play me and not that other crap”

I dont know how this discussion turn out to be about battle pass but ok…In general there is a lot of negativity surrounding this game and blizzard in general but its ok there is a reason for it… :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally agree if you buy a game you should give 1st battle pass for free.
But make WC3 multiplayer free to play.
As for battle pass i love to grind it because making losing more rewording and ppl that dont like it shouldn’t buy it its that easy.

And now about few more whishis :

    1. I would like to be able to select more then 12 unite in one group like 16 or 18 per unit group.
    1. Make multiplayer free to play
    1. Ability to watch the game from battle net launcher or something like that
  • 4.Old school in game chat or better chat option in general because sc2 or wc3r chat are just weary bad not inviting for user like old ones.
  • 5.New Ui options

Someone suggested it, so I addressed it. That’s how. The topic is a “wishlist,” so discussing what we think does or doesn’t belong on said wishlist is relevant to the topic. I guess in the end you saw that, because you ended up including that discussion in your post…

I don’t want battle passes to exist in the first place, and I don’t want the game to go f2p either. Especially when done by Blizzard. We paid for overwatch and got a great value with tons of content being released over the years. then the biggest glorified patch ever, Overwatch 2, makes the game f2p and puts in a battle pass, and suddenly the dozens and dozens of skins we earned and unlocked over OW1’s lifetime now cost $20-30 each or we have to spend dozens of hours grinding to get something for a somewhat more reasonable price.

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doesn’t have to, but the custom selection size in gameplay constants is way too long overdue

The difficulty of that is the UI wasn’t designed for it so it would be a more substantial task. If not all units were visible in the UI, you wouldn’t be able to issue subgroup commands properly.