When can we expect Skirmish back?
it’s still to do nothing. we need to improve the Game Image quality!!! it’s important. and the model are very dark!
no issues? I have 60 FPS in 1on1 with i7 8700K RTX 2070 OC 16 GB - Everything on LOW. I have 260 fps in BV5 etc
9700k and RTX 2070 here 100+ fps all the time all on max…
I don’t know what people are expecting with any patch because there’s only so much they can do after destroying a great deal of the classic game. They had over a year to develop this and likely resources have already been diverted away from the half-baked project. if you’re hanging on to Reforged for the hope they’ll fulfill those initial promises, I’d hate to say it but you’re dreaming. It’s clear this project was underfunded or everyone involved is just incompetent.
I think it would he better to revert back to the most recent classic patch and give this another 3-6 months of development. This release never should have happened, I feel bad for the CS reps.
No mounts yet available, just some skins. I’m also afraid we’ll never get mounts in this game so that means the game will never be in an acceptable.
It’s temporary.
There won’t. That plan was scrapped sometime after Blizzcon 2018.
As it “can” be?? As it SHOULD be…
Appreciate patch, but when saving custom games will be available? (And also fixed desyncs in all custom games)
Lol why wouldnt you cancel upgrade first so you also get resources back …how do you even find that glitch hahah
Nice. Now I’ll wait a year, if you change your mind actually doing the cutscenes, I will buy it. Or at least the bare minimum to do proper lip-synch to campaign portrait animations in the cutscenes.
BLizzard will keep releasing small update patches masked as a “feature” when the game should have been released fully completed. This will continue until every legit complaint is buried with positive vibes style self righteous posts and other assorted fluff.
the game is getting more Rubbish right now, for the new update. it seen nothing have be fix, but also adding more bug!!!
Finally! We have a(n almost) beta version!..
the shadow still light! It is difficult to notice!!
In fact, they canceled the alteration of cut scenes, and not the alteration of the general visual. The game still lacks shaders, adequate lighting effects and shadows. There are no shadows at all, just at a minimal level.
Yeah, this guy. Hate reforged, hate the devs, hate blizzard, that’s all fine. But god FORBID people try to fix this whole mess am i right? by now i assume you got your refund, so get lost.
Moderator: Edited to remove masked obscenities.
Where is lvl of account? where is stats!??? You should do this not the fakking bug fix
Well, you said you and MANY more played for many years on private servers.
You must be referring to someone else. I only ever played on the official battle.net servers. Which are no longer functional for pre-Reforged versions. Post-Reforged versions don’t even work for me. Additionally I get a downgraded experience as a classic only player. What a waste.