Warcraft III: Reforged Patch Notes

I am glad I found and bought the old Battle chest set. Now I am going to update it to 1.27 I believe it is or was it 1.28. and play it without this never ending nightmare.

Blizzard I hope to god that 2021 and beyond are so overwhelming filled with failure after Failure in all your games that it becomes a Financial Nightmare and Activision does not what to get brought down by your stupidity and sells your or just cuts you off and kicks you out the bloody door with the words “your out of here”. Maybe than Morhaime will buy you with one condition You Mr. J. Allen Brack need to leave the company. THAN AND ONLY THAN will your Financial Nightmare be over.

If I could cast curses I would cast such a curse on you for this, and that includes any company that pulls this kind of crap or censors people! I was at Blizzcon last year I saw the Protest I took pictures and video and Documented I saw and heard! A Thousand curses upon your company I say!


Last patch April 2020? the hell?


I know right, though it’s sad to see it in this state it is more concerning that the team is not continuing support for a game that everyone wants to be able to get back too and enjoy yet nothing is being done about it, we want Warcraft III and honestly they should fix what they have, maybe separate the classic and the new version like world of warcraft did and then update the new version over time.


I think the only problem is the world editor’s seem to share the same registry. I have both reforge and the Original Disc Battle chest versions (you can get them still on amazon). I Started off with the Discs they work fine even the map editor, I updated it to 1.27b (everything else cause it to go to reforge). Once I did that I installed Reforge just to see if I could use both fully One on an External the other on my main drive. I can BUT only the Reforge Map Editor can Be used. If I try to bring up the old Map editor it loads up and CTD’s with out error. Uninstalling Reforge does nothing as you have to manually go into your registry and remove all Warcraft III related items (unless there on like Microsoft edge meaning a web search). If blizzard were to do what you suggest and I fully Support they need to ensure both games have separate Registry entry’s to prevent the issue I have found otherwise is useless.

it’s dead. Blizzard’s dead also. No use hoping. Not buying Diablo II either. If they can’t fix Warcraft III, I’m not buying anything else either.
Just vote with your wallet.


Demon hunter defensive ability Evasion should be aligned with Blade Master Offensife ability Critical strike.
CS increases BM Physical DPS 15%/30%/45%, while DH Evasion increases Physical EHP (Effective health points)10%evasion= 11.11%pEHP/20%ev=25%pEHP/30%ev=42.86%pEHP increasement.
As you can calculate Crit Strike increase your Damage more than Evasion increase your Damage Reduction.
To be aligned Evasion should recieve a small buff LVL1 13%ev=14.94%pEHP/ LVL2 23%ev=29.87%pEHP/ LVL3evasion 31%=44.93%pEHP increasement.
This is the closest these opposite Passive skills can get with using whole numbers, still Evasion will be insignificanly inferrior to Crit Strike.

Hope someone sees this, since last patch discussion is closed

Many Thanks,

why there is no new patches for 6+ months now? Blizzard you can redeem your self with this one, why don’t you do it? Why are you abandoning one of the best RTS that you have ever made? Yeah you screwed the launch ok, you failed to deliver what you really promised and advertised, sure, but you can fix all of them! You have the money and the people to do so! why not the will? i don’t get it! :frowning:

To the 3 interns running this game. Please nerf Night elf and human. They are clearly way to strong on a competitive level. Just cuz your MMR stats show they don’t win as much when noobs play means than anyone with a half a brain can use the races unfairly. Give 2 races staffs but not the other two… What a joke.

you guys are worthless where’s ladder. we dont care about the rest. ridiculous how long its taking you guys. tell us the truth. tell us its the CEO’s bowing down to the chinese commies like the cowards they are.

That’s exactly what they’ve been doing even before Unforged came out, they have 0 interest in WC3 players, why? Glad you asked, because we players don’t make money for them. I Remember when WoW was released, that was when it became obvious to me, we were just using their resources, not paying a monthly fee.


China has become the boogeyman for absolutely everything. Yet they’re the ones who should be most pissed about reforged (and they are) considering the game’s popularity there.

What kind of CEO China pandering is that when even China hates it?

to be fair, they are a business corporation for a reason tho… how do you think would they be able to pay for their employees, generate revenue, basically run a business if they cant get income? dude money is the lifeblood of any business. If i were in their situation, why would I focus on a liability generating aspect? . but dont get me wrong, i do recognize their shortcomings (a long list of shortcommings ahahahah) anyway, at least, we still have an active community, eh? and they did release reforge - indicative of an enduring community heehhe… yes they were not the same blizz that released this game 2 decades ago, but warcraft is still warcraft… we all walk the same platform hihihi… there a reason why charity and business have different meanings i guess

why is this post sticky on the top while the most recent patch notes are not? Looking forward the next update, it would be nice to know the direction of the game - even if the news are dire. Thanks!

let vicarious vision make another remaster of warcraft 3 ffs


August 19, 2020 Blizzard stated they are working on a patch for player stats and ladder. @Blizzard Can you please give us approximate time when we will see this features implemented?


Still no update worthy of the games namesake I see…

I pray one day karma bite Blizzard in the rear that Activision has the foresight to see a sinking ship and abandon it, less they be taken down with them.

We really need save and load feature returned to wc3 to help stabilize this community blizz.

Please make this happen. Much appreciated!

1.3 billion made by CoD. We are insignificant here. A couple of thousand people here on the forums are utterly useless from a financial standpointnt; even if we were to pay 40 Euro/USD again for this turd of a game, they couldn’t possibly care less.


How about you make it possible to actually find the download that I’ve paid for? Instead of all these cwappy BUY NOW buttons all over the place…

Can you fix Desync, PLEASE?

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