Warcraft III: Reforged Bugs (Again)

I’d like point out some (not fixed) bugs since launch:

  • “Units\NightElf\Furion\Furion.mdl” shows SD Furion instead of HD one.

  • “Units\NightElf\MalFurion\MalFurionNoStag.mdl” shows Malfurion On Stag, not the walking one.

  • “Units\Critters\ChaosSpaceOrc\ChaosSpaceOrc.mdl” shows Terran Marine instead of the Space Fel Orc.

  • Male Demon Hunter and Death Knight and a ton of missiles and effects are missing HD models. Some units are missing their portrait (i.e: Nether Dragon, which still had its portrait before).

  • Lighting in the Editor previewer are sometimes black on certain models, mostly human models (Paladin, Arthas, Jaina, Uther, etc)

  • Metamorphosis, Bear Form, Raven Form, Robo-Goblin are bugged. Cannot change to any other models than the ones mentioned.

  • Engineering Upgrade do nothing. Abilities are not upgraded.

  • “Flaming Arrows” missile (and several other) remains for several seconds after hitting a target. They should be disappearing immediately. Frost Bolt experienced the same bug on the last patch, but was fixed now.

  • Attachment points for “Leg” and “Hand” are misaligned. I.e: Adds the Firebolt missile on Sorceress’s hands, but they show on her shoulder instead. Same with Troll Berserker and several other models.

  • Projectiles launching from Ghost, Wraith, Jaina and some models starting from 150-200 distance away, not from the attacker themselves.

  • Using an Dummy Unit with blank model will not scale the projectiles (from attacks and spells) in accordance with their size. Classic was not experiencing this. For example, Storm Bolt casted from a Dummy with 3.0 scaling is the same as 1.0 scaling, no change at all.

  • The trigger Create/Destroy Special Effect are not working properly for some model. For example, I have a spell that create a Storm Bolt missile effect around the caster and destroy it immediately for every 0.2 seconds. Classic still shows, but Reforged is not showing anything. The same with Treant Protector missile, Black Dragon missile and some others. Will have some pictures soon.

  • Sound effects for some model are repeated forever upon casting an abilities. Thunder Clap for example.

  • Using custom abilities will freeze the screen for about 1 second. I’ve preloaded these abilities at the beginning of the map like I did in Classic, but to no avail. Kindly fix this as soon as possible because its annoying.

  • SD Imported Models are transparent and very hard to see.

  • Succubi lost their Red model, as well as Queen of Suffering model (the blue one with whip).

  • Cannot change color or rotate vertically for (some) dummy units that is using model that are not proper “unit” (like missile, buff, etc). For example, the good-ol’-famous Kamehameha spell (using a vertical Hero Revive art) is not working anymore.

  • Infernal’s meteor landing shows impact on ground only for the 1st time. From the second time onward, nothing.

Kindly fix these ASAP, because they’re still persist since Beta.