Well Illidan looks really different in WoW
Broken and Lost Ones both exist in WOW, only Akama’s appearance was retconned. An issue, but not a big one, imo.
There are 2 Illidans, tho, and it’s not a lore thing, it’s character changing over time, growing horns and stuff. Of course Illidan in Reforged should look like WC3 Illidan.
In WC3 you can equip items gathered from enemies on the map. Your time and risk taken to defeat mobs for items is expanded on a greater scale for WoW… The RNG in WoW is worse now than ever in my opinion. However, I stopped in 2009 and came back for BFA when it launched and the game feels completely different… So I may be a bit jaded.
Fun fact - if you wish to get technical, Illidan’s looks in TFT were in itself a retcon. Beacuse after consuming the Skull of Gul’dan he changed into a completely different-looking shadowy demon-thing with glowing eyes and booming voice. Now we “know” that this was supposed to be his “supercharged” form - but back then, the game made quite clear that his “Transformation” model was supposed to be his new default. (He even tells Malfurion that “this is what he has became” and he’s permalocked into that mode unlike the default melee DH). I remember going from RoC to TFT and being suprised that Illidan in the opening cutscene is not the shadow demon he was “supposed” to be, but just “normal” Illidan with horns and wings.
And honestly, there are a lot of small inconsistencies in WC 3 lore - even between RoC and TFT. Most egregious being Sylvanas going from a random banshee to a Dark Ranger in the TFT Undead campaign beacuse shut up and stop asking questions. Or Tichondrius in RoC and Lich King in TFT giving two different backgrounds for the Frostmourne.
So, if Blizzard wishes to iron out such small lore inconsistencies in Reforged - I guess I’m mostly fine with that.
I won’t be fine with them radically changing character’s personality, but somehow I don’t suspect they would be willing to completely rewrite Arthas to “fit more” with Christie Golden book.
I never considered it a retcon. He just got a proper model in TFT. Illidan was supposed to look like that in RoC, and in both cases the intention of the devs was the same.
as far as i heard they are only changing things like making strat look like the dungeons version in wow
In agreed with you, this small inconsistencies could be fixed…
What I hope is that they don’t charge it with new inconsistencies from wow
Some of it is necessary whether you like it or not.
It’d be goofy to go to Outland have the Broken introducing themselves as Draenei.
That, and they’ll need to curve some plot arcs better so that, say, it’s clear Arthas did not kill Illidan, or better setting up Kael’thas for the dumpster fire of lore that was The Burning Crusade.
Because it is not at all clear why Kael’thas goes from being the leader of the Blood Elves to not, and going from Illidan’s close ally to…allying with the Burning Legion, who are ultimately responsible for the sacking of Silvermoon City, the destruction of the Sunwell, and the Blood Elves mana crisis since they made the Scourge.
But they are Draenei, and Illidan was left there to die there is no need to explain it , everyone knows he survived (sadly , he should stay dead)
Opinionated Look at Illidan Stormrage - search on youtube. Very good analysis of Illidan’s character from War of the Ancients to recent exapansion, and also how he was presented by WC3 designers and now by WoW designers. The fact is that his character goes on in story and designers need to have something new about him to make him interesting character. Often, important and beloved by fans heroes like Illidan are changed. So if you will play WC3 and also will know a lot about WoW lore, then you will see the differences between WC3 Illidan and WoW Illidan.
Well the Broken are Draenei, there is no reason for them to not introduce themselves like that, after all, Broken (Krokul) it’s sort of a despective way of calling them for being leser, corrupted Draenei, it’s an unnecesary change.
I’m pretty sure they’ll take advantage of the upgraded graphics and resolution to make the Arthas vs Illidan cutscene epic and clear enough so we know Illidan is hurt, but not dead, they are after all, reforging all cutscenes.
Kael’thas whole BC script and destruction of it’s persona was terrible and should not be taken into account for anything in the campaign, it doesn’t needs to and would be a huge mistake if they try to change it’s character to fit WoW, precisely, this kind of potential changes is that motivates topics like this one.
Definitely prefer they stick to the original Warcraft 3 story, concepts, sounds, etc. Making it fit to WoW would be a disservice to the feel of the rts games imo, as WoWs lore has deviated so far from the earlier games.
For instance, suramar and maiev- are they going to add a big pink bubble in the background of that cutscene? Seems silly.
I would love that! Very much.
World of Warcraft lore is a joke in comparison to Warcraft 3 mainly because they need to make excuses to turn certain characters into loot pinatas or to create content in questzones or pvp zones. Blood Elves joining the horde is one of the biggest jokes. I hope whatever retcons they plan on doing are very minor. They would be fools to ruin a classic.
Also, I agree with added content ignoring WoW and pretending WoW is an AU.
I’m going through TFT campaign right now and his character fits WOW as is. Kael is a weak little brat always licking boots of those who’s stronger than him or can benefit him in any way, always ready to abandon principles and betray anyone to save his skin or gain more power. This is why he followed Illidan in the first place.
I thought it was because he was helped by the Naga, found out and betrayed by the humans?
I also never got into WOW but i don’t think the story is the main issue.
What I would like to see though r wouldn’t mind is THE wow story in RTS perspective, that I could chew.
However, would prefer an alternate War 3 4 and 5 6 so no wow story combined.
Obviously it’s Kael who betrayed the humans. And nothing forced him to become Illidan’s lackey and use fel magic. Sure he had a whole lot of petty excuses for every step he made into his corruption, but who cares.
Not really, Kael was left pretty much with no other choice…Garithos had sentenced him and his blood elves to death by accepting help from naga (after taking most of the troops away himself) and also Kael and his people were going to die without any other source of magic…Really I find it ridicilous how black and white you seem to think Kael’s decisions were. Really tell me then what other choices he would have had? And Im only talking about events of WC3: TFT here, not what happened after.
Well, some fantasy (and not only) characters would prefer death to abandoning their honor. Certainly not Kael. Which makes him weak and selfish as I’ve described. He’s a good-written character in my opinion, but to think he was a babyface and was ‘ruined’ when made a villain in WOW… I’d say THIS is ridiculous.