Warcraft 3 TFT offline mode

Hello, I’ve recently updated my wc3 and faced a bizarre problem, game just doesn’t work without Internet connection. I can’t play single game if i run WC3 offline. Tried to fix it via Battle.net launcher, reinstalled - barely helped. I do have WC3 ROC, my TFT copy worked just fine before update. Btw, I see both Roc and TFT CD keys in my bnet account. And it’s MacOS. Any ideas?

Only the RoC key is checked now. The TFT key is effectively worthless sadly.

You should still be able to test maps in the World Editor. One should also be able to launch maps via command line (how World Editor tests maps).

I’m just trying to play Wc3 TFT :slight_smile: Offline against some bots, mb few custom maps. For now it feels like I cannot play without logging in Battle.net, which requires internet connection. Have Activision made Internet connection compulsory for playing the game?

Generally speaking, a connection isn’t required to play.

What happens when you try? Any error messages? Crashes?

When I try to launch W3 TFT I get: “Error - There was an error in handling the request”. I don’t even get into any of the game menus. Guidance?

That error can usually be resolved in one of two ways:

  1. Purchase Warcraft III: Reforged or
  2. If you don’t want to do that, Link a Reign of Chaos game key to your Battlenet account

Either of those will allow the game to open.

Not really. Play Offline button is grey and inactive. My CD key is linked to account. Blizz just told me they can help. Cool. Ruined my game and all they can say is sorry.

When was the last time you logged the game into Battlenet on that computer?

The game can only be played offline if it is periodically logged into Battlenet. If too much time passes, offline play is locked out until it’s logged in again.

For example, this is the screen I get when launching the game offline. The “Play Offline” button is available:

You don’t need to do anything after logging in, such as play games are or move around the UI. Just a log in and log out will suffice.