Yesterday, the start button disappeared for warcraft 3. The only available option was to buy reforged. So, I bought reforged and installed it. After installation, pressing start gives me the following error: The application encountered an unexpected error. I have windows 7 and have been playing warcraft 3 since its original release.
Have you tried restarting your PC since installing it?
I have a feeling that it’s Windows 7 that is the problem. Blizzard does not support Windows 7 anymore after support for the operating system ended on Microsoft’s side, you’ll need to update to Windows 10 or higher.
win10 has same issue
Hmm… What version? 22H2 over here.
I got the same error after: uninstalling the program, reinstalling and rebooting.
Yep, looks like it doesn’t launch on W7 atm
I tried reforged 2.0 on my friend’s computer with windows 10 and it worked. So, there seems to be a windows incompatibility issue.
Request a refund.
In fact windows 7 itself is years past end of life and you should be running a newer operating system.
Windows 7 is listed as supported in the shop. If that’s what Bliz intends, then they will likely look into the multiple reports of launching issues with Win7.
Bliz supported XP looooong after MS ended support.
I edited the post already after realizing the mistake. Thanks for responding.
Windows 7 is still listed- but windows 7 itself is out of suppport and really, nobody should be using it.
Please use the thread Warcraft 3 Reforged Patch 2.0.0 does not work on Windows 7 in the Technical Support Forum.
I got a nokia phone, it runs snake fine and doom, installing wc3