Warcraft 3 community is a JOKE

I just bought Warcraft 3 reforged and I would NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!! The community is so rude to people who are not that good. I got cussed out for being new. This happened to me in MULTIPLE GAMES!!! I told them i have not played in years and that I was a starcraft 2 player and i got made fun of and told to get out with bad words thrown out at me. This is not what blizzard wants but WTF. This made me 100% regret buying the game. I will not play warcraft 3 again until this is fixed!!!

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yeah melee games are full of tryhards unfortunately, custom games tend to be a little more forgiving though, I think

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New people got often crushed in any game!

When I first played Counter Strike - one enemy was sitting in some tower with sniper, so during respawn in the first 3 sec I got shot! Believe me that’s more frustrating!

So go 1v1 or play first campaigns then try 4v4.

the warcraft 3 community have been toxic for a while. i have never experienced that it is not toxic and i have been playing since the beginning.


Your story doesn’t make sense? Nobody is going to feel some type of way about you not being very good or challenging enough and simply providing wins that are just too $%^& easy?! Everybody hates having noobs just feed them wins to pad their win% or ELO making it seem like they are better than they really are??

Or if you feel like you are a noob and need to refresh your skillz from back in the day then just do so while playing unranked games? People really shouldn’t complain about people’s skill over there as much as Ranked or Tourney matches?

And if you insist on playing Ranked with no plan or intentions to experiment with stuff you haven’t tried before then just expect to get flamed by super sweaty try-hards until you’ve made it at least through your 5 game evaluation period - at which point you should be then playing with other noobs with no plan who insist on bring that strategy in to Ranked for one reason or another so they shouldn’t complain about other players doing that same thing…

i have never played ranked in warcraft 3, as i have never been very good. i played ranked in starcraft 1 only.

You don’t need to be good to play ranked. Ranked isn’t about being pro, it’s really just about finding better quality matches with people near your skill level.

Problem is that Unranked , as well as Ranked 2v2 , 3v3 are dead branches. Nobody plays them, once I waited for 2h to get a game there .

When i create new server i always write that it is for new players, but somehow “pros” join it to and later start bragging about anyone who make mistakes

you can get help from wc3 gym discord and there homepage

games have always been a tad toxic but the lvl in the ranked since is insanity these people screaming at you you can confidently look at them in and go I could prob 1v1 you and win usually the worse people on your team yelling abuse, to the point you cant even win because there to focused typing. one example i had a guy screaming at me that I suck would not fight because I was successfully kiting this dudes army into my tower line at my base…

FWIW, Warcraft is about as “toxic” as Guild Wars 2 was when I was playing that. There’s not anything really special about Warcraft 3. Internet a-holes who get off on that aside, you put people on a team where there’s a glass ceiling on what they can do individually and this is what’s going to happen. People are going to pull more than their weight, still lose, and end up being critical of others. People aren’t going to respond to that criticism by going, “Yeah, there’s stuff I could do better.” Instead, they’ll get defensive and the output of the whole exchange ends up being “toxic.” You can’t really change people. Just figure how it is you want other people to act and act that way yourself.

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Sometime u cant win without toxic, coz u play with 3morons. Have to flame them to let them leave their base.

mama if that’s how you feel, you probably need to take a break

sometimes? Never. I certainly don’t know anyone trolling a game in this manner who would suddenly stop trolling because you uttered a few mean words.

:rofl:Thats why u stay in your low backet, cant understand better leaver than noob.

Exact opposite is true. better noob than leaver. The fact you need people to leave to win just shows how trash you really are at the game :rofl:

:rofl:Sad I win mass games with 3x leaver at start, but u cant

do y’all have nothing better to do than keep bumping this silly thread from 4 months ago

eh it helps me to keep my link/image/video posting ability so just ignore it >.>