" wait in line to long into battlenet"

Just got disconnected from battle net to be in line to log into battle-net " waiting time minutes" i checked battle net info.

what a JOKE this game become

During periods of high login traffic, we may put you in a login queue. These queues help us process login attempts effectively.

The login queue will not save your place if you leave or are removed for any reason. To avoid sitting through the queue more than once, be sure to:

  • Stay in the queue until it finishes. Do not leave or restart the client.
  • Enter your Blizzard account name and password correctly.
  • Enter your authenticator code promptly and correctly.
  • Accept any Terms of Use or License agreements promptly.

thanks blizzard. i need to login to test my world editor map. GG WP

Same here, 15 minutes timer in queque, now logged in but can’t search for games… Battle.net application has a maintenance alert for 14/02, so we probably only traveled in time.

think servers just went down. No one can find games

high login queue? barely 200 players inside xD

NA region or one of the other ones?

see, see? how blizz is treating its costumers??? all this wouldnt happen under old CEO.