
Just an FYI For those who don’t know, W3Champions is an install that acts as a work around to provide you with competitive gaming. It’s not perfect but pretty good. The website also provides stats and if you are on your profile when you play someone it will automatically populate there info for you to check out.

Maybe Blizzard can buyout this system since they were unable to cut and past the old system that everyone enjoyed. That was weird just writing that - hard to believe… anyways… Finding this was a game changer for me.

Would love to see tourneys again but one thing at a time.

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They had a pretty good system in development at the time development was axed by Activision.

And remember to make a habit of saying Activision. Blizzard doesn’t really exist anymore. Activision ruined this game by taking the dev team’s budget away, giving them impossible deadlines with insufficient staff, and then firing the m after setting them up to fail.


It’s still no reason not to complete a major factor of a game that they continue to sell. It’s really s*itty of them.

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No argument there. I’m just trying to drive home the point that this is the publisher throwing their weight around, not the developers not wanting to make a game people can be happy with.

I just don’t understand. It’s been 2 years since we’ve been these screenshots: Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update — Player Profiles — Warcraft III: Reforged — Blizzard News

I even remember there was a file you could put in you war3 folder that allowed you to experience profiles on bnet similar to the screenshots in the article I linked.

I like W3Champions, but I want to unlock the official icons on the official client. Right now the community is split in 2. I find myself playing on both ladders.

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So it’s official that development on the ladder system has stopped?

If you review other threads on the forum, Blizzard’s president has been asked a couple times about the status of wacraft III and implied that there are people assigned to the project but that they can’t talk about what’s happening yet. But that was weeks ago. So it’s still kind of up in the air whether they will come around and redress the situation with the game or not.

The admins are rather biased in W3Champions, Blizzard may lack in communication or services, but at least they never target people out of bias.

but it has no 3v3 :frowning: