Video graphical quality settings


How do you set up the textures, spell, shadows in the settings ?

I have seen some pro players reducing some options in order to improve fluidity and trying at the moment. It is linked to the computer that you are playing with anyway but reforged is not so demanding in term of configuration.

Reducing some of the options improved my fps. The game is starting to stabilize as the last update provided better fluidity.

So would you sacrifice best graphics and beauty for better fluidity and faster gameplay? I say yes!

No, cause i am not pro player, i play it for fun and pleasure.
If i was pro player perhaps, i don’t know, i like good art and visual quality.

Biggest impact is the foliage, setting to off is giving huge fps boost, on low it’s a decent trade off considering that the 3D grass isn’t even looking that good at the moment.
Second most impactful setting is shadows, which can easily be set on low and won’t be that different from high with the regular zoom out view.