Let’s get one thing clear
You do not design and balance a competitive game to the standards of the casuals. Casuals do not play the game at a competitive level, so they don’t understand the nuance of things like bodyblocking or why the pathing is so stubborn and awkward and how to use that to their advantage.
If we just smooth things out, then you lose all the nuance that makes the game seemingly competitive. This is one of the major points used against Heroes of the Storm and why it has been consistently unable to live up to the standards of League and DOTA - they fixed wasn’t broken and because of it players deemed it a nooby game even though it’s just different.
Things like last hitting and carrying are frustrating for new players. Yet these are staple parts of the MOBA genre. HOTS removes these things, but it isn’t made better for casuals for it either. There are far more casual players in League and DOTA than Heroes. Why would this be if Heroes is designed for the casuals? Because it’s a myth that casuals need a game that is catered to them. This applies to many games, and Blizzard would know with how WoW is constantly criticized for catering to the casuals to the point where Classic was brought back due to overwhelming demand.
So no, redesigning the game to be for casuals is not the right answer. Worst yet - it’s made for no one. Casuals will move on after they’re done. And the purists never wanted this change and are stuck with it. So who is this new Remake for?
The difference between WC3 and other games that are remakes is that WC3 still has a defined competitive scene that continues to exist today. You can’t say this about Resident Evil or Crash Bandicoot or whatever other remakes are out there. There is a definite reason not to change how the game plays, and just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean you are any more justified for having it be changed.