US-EAST WC3 RT flooded with win trading/tking

There is currently an epidemic, on US-EAST that has skyrocketed ever since maphack was patched. A couple of the " " Top " " 4v4 ladder players were very frustrated with maphack being patched out, especially since most bought very pricey life-licenses.

Currently, many players on US-EAST, but not Europe, are " Win - Trading ".

What happens is, these players are so concerned about their W/L rating. They search for 4s games with other win traders on level 1 accounts. If they match with their win-trader friend on the level 1, they try ultra hard to get the win. If they match against their win-trader teammate, they team kill immediately.

They take turns doing this, which over time results in insanely high 4v4 W/L ratios, and if you take a look at the win-traders recent games they are almost always under 5 minutes with level 1 team killers on the other team, or on their team trying hard. The amount of games they have with these types of players is 75%+

I was also friends with a couple of people who used to do this/still do this on US-EAST so they can brag about their “Stats”. Some of them would sit in Discord for hours a day searching off and on together to gain free-wins.

Highlight of this post is to let the community know US-EAST is flooded with team killers; but those team killers are actually just the result of Win-Trading in 4v4RT.

I can only hope Win-Trading is not possible on Reforged, through the banning of level 1 smurfs clearly engaged in this tactic.

This issue is so BAD on US-EAST it’s legitimately hard to find RT games where there are not people win-trading.


Yes thank you.
I created a similar thread here —>

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hopefully with the implementation of wc3 in the battlenet app with only 1 account per player those will be things of the past… Sadly im afraid we gotta wait for reforged next year for this to happen.


I agree with your thread.

My thread is more about a root problem of TKing. Most of the TKers on US East are actually a symptom of ‘Win-Trading’ to boost 4v4 RT stats; I have personally witnessed the scale and corruption of this issue, and it is disgusting, unethical, and overall ruins games/quality of games which pushes people away from Bnet, but boosts the few corrupt’s egos.


A reporting system that worked along with a CD key ban for such things would clear this up in a week.


How sad this people must be in life, in order to be fake winning for hours to brag about their fake stats… :worried:


Looks like there are some on northrend aswell… 290-0 score in RT seems pretty much impossible unless abusing.


Dont worry fans my level 44 and record is legit kodo stands as the #1 4v4 rt player even amidst the stabbers/afkers/leavers.

But its just a few lonely nerds who are 50% players that are sitting there stabbing rt games over and over for attention and or free winning themselves in 2v2 rt with bots.

All blizzard needs to do is slightly adjust the match making so players like me 70% rt win record and level 44 cant match 0-0 smurfs and most of the problem will be solved.

Rofl the irony here.

I don’t know if you are legit or not, you weren’t one of the ones I was referring to who sit in discord all day and do this massively, and as you said yourself are more or less 50% players without rigging games for stats brag. That narrows down the list, but no names, no names.

But there is a legitimate problem, and hopefully on Reforged there will be some kind of cd-key limit per account or banning for massive tkers, so the free winning will stop.

Also I guess, sure, adjust the algorithms, smurf shouldn’t be matched with higher level players to prevent tking / free winning.