Despite choosing unranked you get into ranked games a lot of the time, last night it did seem to work again but my first game today I got a ranked game in unranked again, next few games it seems to work again. Seems to be unstable.
I’m pretty sure I get ranked opponents in unranked: I can see my opponents mmr on the loading screen, I also asked one player who confirmed they had chosen ranked.
My mmr changes after the game.
Stats count in my overall profile stats (I don’t think they used to for unranked) and also in the ranked tab, for example I haven’t played a single night elf game for this season and I can still see the stats for them in the ranked tab.
I get placement games in unranked.
I’m not sure how it worked before this patch but I don’t think you (usually) got ranked opponents and don’t recall stats being counted. In any case, unranked should be a casual game mode where a bad player like me can practice without being punished by lowered mmr when you lose, stats counted in profile and tougher opponents. For most factions I’m not good enough to even get close to 50% stats so why would I want to play them in ranked until I feel more comfortable with them, unranked is good for that.
This is still not fixed. Come on
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Same for me basically.
Started playing UNRANKED to “get back into it” before playing (competitive) ranked. was kind of surprised to see the “ranking screen” after my matches but didnt think to much of it. (maybe theres a different ranking for unranked and ranked intended???)
now after i played 5 UNRANKED games i had to realize that indeed this is a scam/bug^^ and now my “ranked” page shows that i have 3 wins and 2 losses as undead. (=correct score of the 5 games i played so far)
So the Bug reported by Verbose seems to still be a thing, at least for me.
Bought Reforged not too long ago (like 3 months or so) and also have a similar new pc setup where WC3 or W3C or something similar has never been installed. I Also didnt change my region or anything, iirc. but maybe living in Germany and playing the game in english does something? >_<
Or will this maybe change after i played 5 “real” ranked games and it is just a bug that shows my “hidden unraked ranking” as long as i dont have a “real ranked score” or something? Idk…
Same issue here. September 16th 2024. Every time I play “unranked” it can either be a ranked or unranked game… It’s basically random.
I wonder if maybe it’s not even a bug and it just places you automatically in a ranked game if there aren’t enough unranked players queuing… If this is the case though, they should ask you first…