These are all bugs that have been around since Reforged launch and which I’ve reported before but since they remain unfixed and are long buried in the forums I’ve combined them all in this neat value pack: 5 bugs for the price of 1.
Engineering Upgrade doesn’t properly update the icon or tooltip for abilities it replaces. Only the “learn ability” icon and tooltip are updated.
If you create a War Stomp or Thunder Clap special effect and destory it again right afterwards, the visual effect will play as its supposed to but the sound effect will repeat several times in Reforged mode.
Many models don’t speak in Reforged graphics if you assign them a different sound set than their default, Misha for example. This is also the case for most or all custom models.
For units with new models introduced in Reforged, for example campaign heroes (Thalorien Dawnseeker) or higher level summons (Misha lvl 2, 3 & 4), the unit itself works fine in Classic graphics instead using the original model it had (default Captain or Bear models), but if you make any other unit use those models it will have no model at all in Classic graphics and therefore be invisible and unselectable.
In reforged graphics the game will sometimes become extremely bright in some maps, often linked to when the whole map is being revealed.
Custom maps may have been made to depend on the current “buggy” behaviour so fixing it could break some custom maps.
I think there is a compatibility file that maps new models to old models, possibly for specific units. You could try using a custom one of those in the map to see if it alters the behaviour.
Possibly a rogue light source that gets revealed? Might also be incorrectly set HDR shaders that do not attenuate the brightness enough at high levels.
For custom map thing with Engineering upgrade that’s not the best argument since like I said the tooltip when learning the ability is changed, just not afterwards when you actually have it. Unless people consciously make learning ability icons/tooltips that don’t match the icons/tooltips for levels it won’t match, and besides there are certain to be way more custom maps made before this issue was introduced in Reforged than afterwards.
And to Leviathan: if Blizzard wants bugs reported individually they should make less of them. After all, am I even allowed to make 5 threads back to back?
The first part wasn’t an argument, it was critique.
If I am unable to make 5 threads in row that would honestly be an argument against one bug per thread though, not that I have tested it.
I didn’t say anything about the first part, only the bit that was directed at me.
As for making multiple threads, the system only seems to care what’s written in them. So as long as each post is different, which it would be for different bugs, I’ve never heard of it stopping anyone. Even if it did try to throttle you, just wait a bit before posting the next one.
Didn’t refer to the first section of my post, but the “they should make less of them” (first part of my answer to you). Bad explanation on my part. And alright as long as there’s not a huge “cooldown” on it, I’ll stick to reporting one bug per thread in the future then.