Unable to load saved games

After the patch update, it seems that nothing happens when I tried to load a saved game. Please advise.

I am having the same issue after this current patch. A little more info, if I start the current mission fresh and then go to load game I get the error text when trying to load the game from a save. Error is : “The map file referenced by the saved game is different from the map file on your hard drive.” this is true for both the autosaves as well as my custom saves. I have tried several ways to open a ticket but it seems that is not allowed instead of opening a ticket the system continually refers to either uninstalling and reinstalling the game or the forums…

In trying to create a ticket, after adding the required uploads I either get " Install or patch problem" and it will not submit a ticket or I get " Crashes

Read our support article if your client is crashing to the desktop, or if you’re getting a blue or black screen crash. If none of the troubleshooting steps help solve the problem, check our forums for similar issues before contacting us."

This is not a bug, unfortunately the patch simply destroyed ALL previously made savegames for everyone. That’s how it “works” with Reforged apparently. See discussion here:

same issue here