Two versions should exist separately

Dear Blizzard, Team Classic, I think I have a solution to the current situation:

You should make Classic FREE and SEPARATE from Reforged.

Splitting the community is a much better decision than the one you took. At least a majority of people would be happy.

Revert the changes you did to 1.31 and give us – players, map makers, campaign creators – a clean version of our beloved game.

Keep the updated editor EULA to Reforged. Let the content creators do whatever they want in Classic.

Fix Reforged and make it a better game. Make it a game that deserves the title.


I still find it funny that this is Blizzard’s idea of “crossplay”.
They promised that vanilla and Reforged players would be able to play WC3 together without issue… so their “solution” was to kill the vanilla client and force everybody onto Reforged - now you can all play together!
It’s so hilariously backwards it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. It’s an opposite of a solution and it misses the point of crossplay.
As someone wrote somewhere - it’s like someone broke into your house, destroyed your Xbox and gave you PS4. Now you can play with other PS4 players.


I think their intention was to make it like the Starcraft Remaster, in that both the Remaster and the original games can connect seamlessly, and in theory it works. But you can still play the original Starcraft unaltered if you didn’t want the remaster. The idea or crossplay would have been fine had they not made changes to the original game, and they merely could play online together.

There was probably a technological barrier. So instead of bumping classic to alleviate the problem they decided to dump the whole thing. Shame.

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I agree with having them on two separate platforms. I can see this being the resolution tbh.

for the gods sake please DONT DO TWO SEPARATE clients ! This is the best thing that could possibly happen. Having updated that ugly menus and UI to the new one with old game graphics. Just grow up and if you want to play old W3 just pirate it…