Trying to find players at my level (noob)

I just got back into warcraft 3 from decades ago and I’m realizing there are no new/noob players. My reason for thinking this is because from what I could remember before and what I’ve researched now, it seems like everyone has a build order memorized, a creep pattern, a tier 2 strategy, etc. I’m terrible at the game, the whole multitasking is rough, but I was hoping there were other people who were also terrible at the game. It doesn’t seem the case. I got one win because of an early leave. outside of that, I can not win a single game. I tried to make it about fun like I would fornite and I bring that game up for a comparison. Fortnite has incredible competition and is intense, i’ve got a few victory royales, but not often. BUT I would consign myself to doing the quest in the game and being generally goofy, I’d get a few kills, maybe like 8-10 kills before I get-got, but warcraft three has no ‘quest’ and no way of mitigating the loss. It’s just straight loss, lol. All that to say and I’m wondering if anyone else is feeling the way I feel.

I think you should join the W3 Gym Discord and also visit their homepage. Grubby’s Discord is also good. There, you can get building orders, etc. They can also give you micro training maps. BUT THE GAME IS BROKE

People just copying pro’s builds and starts, but they are still noobs. Like they just play most effective cr@p so no reason to play by intuition even vs noobs. Like if u both noobs but u use noob “strategy” and he use happy’s frenzy push - you will loose 100% of the times.

Firstly, you can’t really compare a RTS game like Warcraft with a shooter like Fortnite. That said, it is necessary to understand at least some basic concepts of the game in order to obtain wins.
(I wonder, if you would also complain about losses, if you would try to solely kill players in first-person-shooters with a knife all the time while they shoot you with fire arms!?)

Be it as it may, others already pointed out some places where you can learn more about the game.
Additionally, I would recommend you that you organize your hotkeys, since this upgrades your performance by a lot and makes the game-play much more fluent. E.g. I control the 12-field-command-window with 12 keys on my keyboard (QWER-ASDF-YXCV), which gives me much more freedom to concentrate on the game itself and the micro management of units