Top 5 things we would like to see in warcraft 3

Please do not reply to one another’s posts.
Only make their own top 5 post.
Be construction, be nice, lets try to help out the Devs who are trying to make warcraft 3 better.
Maybe also state how you play wc3/what you do.

I am a Custom Map RPG Maker: (20+ years)

  1. Blizzard Developer/Hiveworkshop(Player) Dialog (Come speak with us!)
  2. Ability to reconnect if desync, or bring back “Waiting for Players”
  3. More UI support World Editor.
  4. 40k Doodad Limit World Editor.
  5. Better Z height Support World Editor.
  1. Remove AT vs RT in 2v2 (or, as sprenter noted, allow AT vs RT in all modes but give a slight MMR advantage to the RT team if possible)
  2. removal of the /whois command so people can’t leave just because they don’t like your win record (why take a small chance of winning and just make it 0% by not playing it?)
  3. Fixed matchmaking
  4. True reconnect feature YES. “waiting for players” NO.
  5. More skins for more heroes.

My friend, your list is a joke. This game has a lot of other issues that Blizzard really needs to fix if they don’t want to lose players. And you’re talking about custom editor? Have you even seen the multiplayer and the custom games. It’s a joke.

I agree with CaptainJack’s list , my friend. Right now, Blizzard is losing a lot of players, and soon the game will be unplayable. So, your custom world editor won’t matter then.

Captain can back me up on this, I think, but here are three very important things Blizzard needs to fix:

  1. XP Issue: The level system is terrible for new players and bad players. They get stuck at level 0-2, which is frustrating and discouraging.
  2. MMR System: The matchmaking rating system is broken for a lot of players. It needs serious adjustments to make matches more balanced. The MMR rating for many very good players is stuck at Dullist levels, which is completely wrong. The system needs to be fixed so players are properly mmr rated based on their skill.
  3. AT vs. RT: They should fix it so that AT games are matched against RT but with RT having a slightly advantage than AT. This would create a more fair and competitive balance.

8 player FFa queue, seriously, 4 player ffa is useless.


A large amount of players that’d be posting here likely don’t care much about ladder effects, and care entirely about the modded/mapmaking side of the game, which is ultimately what is keeping War3 alive.

Like Daemonic, I have a map that has been updated/worked on over the span of 15+ years, and the ladder side of things don’t interest me at all, as I haven’t played a game of ladder since 2007 or earlier.

More world editor and map maker support would be greatly beneficial to the community, as it’d make life for us much easier as map makers.

UI Support needs a proper implementation, usage of absolute values that change based on screen resolution rather than the stupid -0.6 to 0.6 range. It confuses many people and requires a ridiculously sized tutorial from someone that (thankfully) has spent hours digging through game files to figure out.

The doodad limit is far too low when maps can be over 400x400.

Maps with a very high z offset need something to help with viewport problems, thankfully in recent updates, we’ve received the ability to zoon out a bit further. I personally believe there needs to be an easier way to make custom visibility/pathing for the raise/lower portions of the map editor not using cliffs.

As I said before, I’d be willing to wager many people here care little to nothing about the ladder side of the game, and more about the fact that blizzard has made it inherently apparent that they can’t deliver on the things they promise the community, as they are STILL trying to make up for the absolute trainwreck that was reforged.

  1. Better error logging/debug info. We got a glimpse of this with the 2.0.1 patch that gave us a bunch of debug tools that could be immensely helpful for custom map creators, including a debug client with actual error messages enabled.
  2. An updated renderer. Lots of people are reporting relatively low FPS for their high end graphics cards, and I’ve heard from some people that this is because the renderer hardly takes advantage of GPUs.
  3. An updated editor. The built in text editor is garbage. It’s very easy to get a map to the point where saving/loading takes several minutes. That “Data - Summoned Unit” window is still broken. There’s no support for local variables in GUI. The soundset and dialog editors are unfinished, but still present in the d/ae builds.
  4. Fixed natives. Many of the BlzSetXXXField native fields just don’t work. I’m sure there’s more.
  5. Reconnect. We’re living in 2025. Reconnect is the standard for online gaming.
  1. A Reconnect system: Desyncs and disconnects are far too common. Having something in place to rejoin a game afterwards would be a god send.
  2. Local variables for GUI: Would open up a lot of options for map editors who don’t know JASS or LUA.
  3. Fixing Native values: many of the natives added during reforged don’t work. One example is the number of owls field for the sentinal ability. changing it in game does nothing.
  4. Doing something about the FPS drops. It seems like warcraft3 has a much harder problem maintaining decent FPS than much more graphically intensive games out there.
  5. Fixing the Invite system for friends. Currently you can’t invite a friend to a game unless they already have it downloaded. Getting a fix for that would be nice.

Some community developers have created a document here:

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I have nothing further to add to above suggestions other than to improve AI.

I like doing compstomps often. This current “insane” AI can be very easily manipulated on certain maps. Also another thing I’ve noticed is that it looks like they are not made for longer games(e.g 40 minutes~). They stop functioning properly at one point and don’t know what to do anymore.

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Possibly not my top 5, but at least 5 that a lot of map authors would find very helpful.

  1. In-game JASS and/or Lua debugger. Similar to the galaxy debugger in StarCraft II. Allows one to solve trigger bugs and issues in seconds that often take hours currently in Warcraft III.
  2. Ability for custom maps to opt-in to use an alternative path finder that does not have an update rate limit. Similar to the one used in StarCraft II.
  3. Trigger natives to force unload a terrain type from a terrain type slot. Could allow much more dynamic terrains than currently possible with the 16 tile type hard limit.
  4. Trigger natives that can force unload assets such as textures and models. Could help asset spam map authors a lot as they could selectively unload assets that are no longer required to free up RAM and VRAM.
  5. Native support to export object editor data into some sort of editable spreadsheet/data format such as CSV or JSON. As good as object editor improvements would be, some tasks will always be a lot easier to do with proper data processing tools.
  1. AT vs RT not allowed at all , make separate game for AT.
  2. Improved chat and parental filter, not allowing screen flooding, and not allowing untraceable id’s (with strange characters).
    And sorry for Korean and Cyrillic alphabet users but Blizzard should disable anything not standard English.
  3. New heroes Garithos and Naga race.

love love love!!!

  1. Fix automated tournaments
  2. Allow AT to match RT again (with conditions)
  3. Change up the map pool significantly across all modes
  4. Make unranked multiplayer free-to-play, like in SC2, to increase player pool
  5. Improve leveling system (decrease xp lost when you lose, make each increased level require more xp, display how much you gain/lose post-game, display correct level in channel, etc.)
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1 warcraft 4
2 new solo missions
3 more skins for units
4 something that auto bans leavers in 4v4
5 i love the new layout thanks microsoft
6 direct strike queable in main menu XD


Number 1 priority:
Fix the win/loss stats recording after finishing a match on!

This really is the most basic thing to have working in every game.


1 Fix the win not counted
2 Fix the orrible ping whe you are vs some one that is not in your region (+400)
3 Fix the MMR and level sistem

All the things that u listed are not necessary atm

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