Tired about new race

Hello am i the only one tired about ‘’ the add new races ‘’ new race its would ruin this game


i am not even joining that discussion.


I don’t want a new race and there is no way boizzard are going to add one. They might add a new tavern hero but thats it. Wc3 is heavily used in Asia pro scene and adding a new race will be a big impact on that so no way.


i leave it to map developers like myself to add new races.


Don’t even mention new races, you know they are f$cking delusional. let them have fun in their own little world lol.


Hello! Wanna naga race
Dont worry, blissard, ive got it all figured out
Units: naga-warrior, naga-witch, naga-dog, turtle naga, flying naga and big strong naga-warrior.
Heroes: ledy vashj, naga-capitan, tidehunter and cookie from wow (not sure might be better put him in murloc race)


Demon race as the 5th race.
Naga race as the 6th race.
Corrupted race as the 7th race.

Let it all happen, Blizzard Entertainment. I got it mostly figured out with the God of Israel, thanks be to Him… Amen.


I don’t want a new race per-say, I just don’t want the already half-finished naga race to stay half finished.

They made just enough to get by as enemies in the campaign, but I really don’t like them being left at that when it wouldn’t take that much work to make them playable.

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Let’s also add in the Zerg, Terran, and Protoss for good measure. With 10 possible races, WC3 will be the most diverse RTS of all time!


Oh, Coupe… That was funny.

But with all seriousness, I don’t think that is too possible to add them all in. It’s… complicated now due to adding new unique and effective abilities for each units and especially for four Heroes.

I already having a hard time adding Hero Abilities to three new Heroes for the Corrupted Ancient race, never mind those other races.

Although, there are still some or at least a few other unique abilities such as add-ons for Terrans to double the production of units of two at a time, and Larva spawning (training) units instead from the structure itself, all these that Warcraft III has yet to have or may have with Reforged in the future.

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Most funny think i saw on this forum, open a new topic to complain about another one.

ON: Mostly what you say is true in a way, yes that will ruin the multiplayer part but if blizzard decide to make new contents (i mean campaigns) it’s not impossible to add new race.

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And the Spartans, Trojans, Vikings, Mongols, Romans, Celts, British, Canadians, Russians and Yoopers.

I think I’ve got you figured out… All this talk of God… but which?
All these evil races of yours… not one sacred race. So obviously a Satanist.


Shhh, don’t spoil the DLC


close, but no, he is a terrorist xD

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Thanks guys for the “positive” feedback. I appreciate it.

Once the game re-releases the most likely scenario is “they” “are” “done.”

Blizz may sit and watch but they won’t do anything you hope about. Maybe a few skins but I wouldn’t bet on game modes, heroes, campaigns, or races.

If YOU want it, then YOU have to do it.

I laugh because I’m so obsessed with making a blood elf campaign that I ended up focusing on how the legion would work. I don’t have a clue how a good demon story would play out because all they do is betray each other and chant evil evil evil.


No, you are not. 3-4 Races(With 4 being preferred) is perfect for an RTS game. More then 4 is a cluster screw of imbalance and will lead to a tier list basically. What new things do people even want? We have everything right now.
-Nature ranged faction.
-Brutish melee faction.
-Defensive technological faction.
-Evil summoning faction.

Naga and Demons would bring nothing new to the table. Demons are just another evil summoning faction and Naga are just another brutish melee faction.

New neutral heroes would be awesome though.


Blizzard originally planned to have Demons as the 5th race back when they were originally creating WC3 in the early 2000s, according to rumor they wanted the Demon race to have the strongest heroes but rely less on units. They obviously scrapped the idea because they didnt have time to balance it.

Personally, I want Classic TFT to remain with 4 races, but like I’ve said many times before, IF reforged is successful, it might be cool to see Blizzard release a new expansions similar to how TFT was an expansion to RoC, and maybe they could add Naga or Demons as a complete race. Obviously it would be hell to balance 6 races but I think 5 would be possible. But like I said thats only IF reforged is successful.

For now though, theres already playable custom maps with Naga and many other races, so I dont see what the big deal is. The esport community is where balance matters and Im sure they will just stick with TFT and the 4 races, but additional races are always fun for custom games.

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The way I read undead is quite different than demons.

Each race has a majority of 3 groups in its roster. The first 2 undead groups are easy to guess which is those risen from lordaeron and the creatures from northrend. The 3rd group is open to interpretation as either the dreadlords or the banshee since they are elves. Makes me grumble how the dark ranger should trade places with the dreadlord since she would be in the banshees group.

Unholy frenzy is like bloodlust, orcs and undead share the attack speed category in different ways. I would call the undead the regeneration faction because most units are a mix bag of different regen methods.

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