Things we need in the next patch



Thank you for your effort in keeping Warcraft 3 alive.

Even though there have been a lot of improvements lately, I believe there is always room to improve even further and better match the standards of today’s community. Recently, I have been playing a lot of 4v4 on, and my points of view are either from random team (RT), as I mentioned, or overall. Without further ado, let’s see what my ideas and questions are.

1. Matchmaking system for RT

  • Game search times are indeed short, but does ‘short’ always mean ‘good’? I am actually at around 76% win ratio, with 4.5k MMR, which I consider to be EloHell, for me and for others. I often meet teammates and opponents who are far below my skill level. It’s neither fun nor challenging. What that leads to is that I get from +0 to +5 points for a win and around -40 for a loss. In that scenario, I am unable to move forward in MMR rankings.
  • I would rather wait a bit longer and get a more even, more high-quality game. One suggestion could be allowing AT vs RT under specific conditions. What I mean is: never ever let 4v4 AT play against 4v4 RT—that’s obvious. However, by making games more even skillwise, game search times will increase. Please consider the possibility of making a party of 2 (AT) + 2 (RT) players in 4v4.
    Going for a 3-player premade is too much. In my humble opinion, a 2-player premade is the perfect solution.
  • The lack of leaver buster is a really bad choice and stands as an example of the poor quality of the ladder game system. It’s simply not suitable for 2025 gaming standards. One player can repeatedly join the game and instantly leave it, destroying the fun of the other seven players. Such an individual can do it over and over again without any penalty. Currently, since you cannot make another account without buying another copy of the game, a penalty system would work perfectly fine. Just add timeouts and then a permanent ban for such behavior. It would heal RT.

2. New-old

We are very grateful for bringing back the new-old we all used to love! Yet, there are a few things that should be applied.

  • Adding an MMR number in the profile. It’s hard to distinguish a good player from a bad one just by stats or level (level actually says not to much in current level scale).
  • As it used to be, we would love to have back the possibility to add a description to your own profile. I think it was fun to read someone’s description and homepage in their profile. It’s nostalgic.
  • Rescale levels as it used to be back in the day. Level 50 was the max, I believe. In this scale, we all knew that a player who had reached level 40 and above was very decent, and it was really hard to reach it. Today, I see players with level 150 who are actually mass-gaming newbies.
  • Personally, I really liked the idea of having one specific nickname per server. I miss the “/profile” command.
  • It seems you’re unnecessarily pushing league names like Duelist, Elite, Gladiator, etc. Naming them Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster—just like in SC2—works perfectly fine! Subconsciously, we all know that Gold is better than Silver. Recently, if someone asked me who is better: Elite or Gladiator, I wouldn’t be able to tell.

For now, these are the ideas I have. If I think of any new ideas, I will add them in this thread.

Thank you,


Things we need in the next patch:

How about fixing the ability to load previously saved games? It’s been broken for over a month now.

The leveling system is fine as is, as long as all wins/losses get recorded correctly and the disc hackers/cheaters get banned. The difference between current and pre-Reforged Bnet is that there was no MMR. We could go back to strictly MMR for rankings like we had prior to 2.0, but the issue is it disincentivizes some players to play a lot of games. We had players in the past who would play around 100 games and get an extremely high mmr only to stop playing and sit at the top of the ladder. This also discouraged some players from continuing to grind because they felt climbing was not achievable. The best players in the world can play on w3Champions and KK ladder. I think Bnet is fine being a little more noob friendly if it gets people to play.

Great post, FierceKnight. Strong agree with everything you listed.

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