Here is a suggestion for improvement:
The loading time of the game should be longer - let’s say at least 5 second on the screen where we can see the other player’s race and mmr.
Currently it takes often just 2-3 seconds on loading and it is quite difficult to notice what’s the race and mmr of the opponent.
Thanks for taking this suggestion into account.
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Here is a suggestion for improvement:
The forum is allowing too many silly and useless posts from trolls, including my own. If the forums would load more slowly and only allow posts from humans, we wouldn’t have to think about it because most of the time the forum wouldn’t even load, and when it did the posts would come from verified accounts with Real ID facebook ID login that had to be real humans, so if someone posts a post about changing my favorite game to intentionally introduce lag for the simple reason of spiting me, I would know their name and where they live and I could go and troll them and mail them plushy orcs to their address as a sign of my evil powers that you should definitely give me. Because I post good ideas on teh forums.