The Culling OFFICIAL REMASTERED version Released!

Hello again children! At long last THE CULLING remastered version its finally done ! I decided to post here for you guys to know what to expect from this project ! Feel free to say in the comments below you experience and opinion about the remake!


For those who do not know how to import the map in to the game follow the next steps:

-copy the map
-paste the map… This pc > documents > Warcraft III > Maps > download

I really don`t understand why the game does not have a “Custom campaigns” option… so you have to play the map as a custom game map which in my opinion its really embarrassed (this will disable cheats)


Just had to replace the download link…from mega does not work…

Glad to see you guys post your experience! Feel free to subscribe to his channel!


Might be better to post it on one of the big map sharing sites like epic war or the hive workshop instead of just the forum.

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Hmm that’s a good idee I will post there as well! Ty for your advice!

You are a genius friend, can you give me a quick summary of what the changes are? I want to notice everyone when I see them in the game and not skip any, thank you very much.
Keep it up, you have all my support!!

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Remember Blizzcon 2018? Well you will relive that experience!


Aproved! :+1: I would have triggered a couple more animations while they speak but it’s really well done the way it is now. This makes me wanna put some cinematics in my new map.

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unfortunately …you don’t have much to choose from …I tried more triggers combination but this one fits for a “movie like”…from what I saw while I remastered campaign they only use 3/4 triggers animation …which is actually a bad joke compare to Blizzcon :laughing::laughing:

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How the hell is this “official” when it’s entirely fan-made?

OFFICIAL REMASTERED fan made ,better?


It can’t be official and fan-made at the same time.

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I can’t understand why the title upset you that much…I just trying to give you all the content that you all wanted in the first place…

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Omg!!! This is better than Blizzard! Incredibly good angles! I want the rest of the cards from you!


Why does it matter if Custom Games can serve the same use?

You should upload your map on the Hive, there are a lot of veteran map makers there who would give better feedback, keep up the good work!

It’s not an accurate title, that’s why.

I can’t see a way to run a custom campaign via custom games…

I’m asking what’s the difference?

If you can play a custom campaign via the custom games section, what does it matter?

It can’t…the game engine does not recognize a custom campaign from maps/download they have to add that function quickly…

Pardon my reading comprehension but I think you can just pass it off as a “custom game” at the moment.

If you’re worried about the hero progress and stats, just give Arthas Orb of Fire, Ring of Superiority at least 2 health potions, and level 6.

Well that would do but what about the others heros like Tyrande ,Malfurion ,Thrall and evil Arthas the ROC its actually finished the last move it’s for Blizz to implement the custom campaigns option …I can give all the maps but you will encounter that problem…

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