The Campaign Selection screen, custom games, other menu's

Here is the campaign selection screen amongst some other menu’s
https:// imgur .com/ a/ SHDjbH3

It appears there is an option for Reforged/classic campaign. None of them are playable right now.


Can anyone post link properly with only ONE extra symbol?
Yes, thanks.

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Where have you found an option for Reforged/classic campaign?
It’s only one default campain.

Gotchu fam:

x_Imgur: The magic of the Internet


The way, you do it! Kreygasm
When I did it with TC’s link, I was tired of deleting space)
TC still haven’t answered where he has found classic and reforged campaigns. I see only new design, campaign remains the same.

At the bottom, on the first image, already selected ‘‘Reforged’’, at the left there’s something that indicates an option to change it.

As was said by Ryuzen there is an option in the first screenshot for reforged and what I assume is classic. Cannot click it yet but it does appear like it will be clickable

The proper link : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Yes , I’m VIP

@Anyone whom does not have rights, use Preformatted text like this:

It looks like only graphics preference before playing… in orfer not to leave to main menu to change graphics

Does that mean we get the Reforged UI aswell?

No, there is nothing to indicate that

Thats very sad.