Take your time Blizzard, make it some fine candy

This is a repost. I rather have a September/October Beta then an August one if rushed.

Take time dont rush. I occasionally rage and say refund lmao because I get bored/crankeyd.

But dont take it seriously. MAKE IT GOLDEN


They need to take however long they need too. Once the game is released, that is what we are stuck with forever.


You really don’t have to worry about the classic games team giving us anything anytime soon. Also the only thing that will ever be golden is their standard of being incompetent and keeping their fans in a void because of it.

I mean they seem to be doing everything else fine. Brood War/Remastered is still what it is. I was just on Diablo 2 earlier without any hitches, hangups, or hiccups. Haven’t been on Warcraft 3 admittedly for a minute because of the kerfuffles about performance and connectivity issues that still seem to be happening.


Beta was supposed to be early 2019. It’s looking bad if they’re releasing reforged in 2019… I doubt they’ll delay it either, aren’t they forced to release since they gave preorders? Besides with activision at full power now, I think “it’s ready when it’s ready” doesn’t apply to Blizzard like it used to.


Welcome to being a Blizzard fan


Why do you think so? Have the patches stopped existing?

I thought you would say Christie. Christie Golden.

You were the chosen one!

Obviously patches will exist, but once the game comes out 90% of the patches after that will just be bug fixes and balance changes. If they rush the graphics, as they said they were far from complete last blizcon, and rush the campaign, these would be things I dont see being changed after release.


This is most interesting to me. Isn’t flying all the voice actors in time-consuming? And isn’t it only possible after the script has been prepared in full? So, they either had finished the campaign by BlizzCon 2018, or they had not. If the latter is true, the first half of 2019 must have been busy and chaotic indeed.

I might be wrong, but my prediction is beta starts when the game launches…
Early access is the norm for the most part in the industry right now, at least they didn’t make it a vip beta where if you pre-order the spoils of war you get to play 2 weeks earlier or smth, ty for that claps

The “blizzard” you once knew is a rotting coprse.


Blizzard have never employed early access. Never. I wouldn’t even know it existed if the only thing I knew was Blizzard games.

That is completely alien to Blizzard, and even to most games on Steam. Only EA with BattleField 5 did it.

Which Blizzard? The one that made a Superman console game in the 1990s? Or the one who released zero products for 6 years straight (2004-10)?

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i did say i might be wrong, but Bethesda was also a company that didn’t engage in the tomfoolery that’s been going on in the rest industry until recently, there’s always a start for everything. I don’t want that to happen, neither do you, but you know, i seen some stuff.

You know Ciffy B? the game producer for the Gears of Wars franchise? He said he wanted to make another billion dollar franchise so he made Lawbreakers, but it failed. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting that, dude always seemed to be exuding confidence every time you saw him, but there you go.


Why do you care if Beta is rushed or buggy? It’s a Beta it’s supposed to be buggy? I’d rather get buggy beta than no info lol.


I actually have no idea why Lawbreakers failed. Whereas the vomit-inducing Overwatch succeeded. I blame the normies. Yes, I blame the stupid customer.

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I still remember an interview where he was announcing Fortnite, when it was just a Zombie Survival game. How things have changed.

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The only golden thing about her is her golden ability to destroy characters… :joy::rofl:


More like her golden prowess to write incredibly deep and high-IQ anti-Christian lore.

Guys you all can chill. Beta will be released at Blizzcon, Nov 1. It is a huge project to deliver.

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High IQ… U do know she writes for teenagers right? :rofl:

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