Success systems - achievements / collectables

Hi everyone,

I kinda miss the proposals section. Wondering if it is, because there is not as much activity in forums as in former days or because gamer proposals are not Blizzards desire anymore? However, this is not the question I am intenting to discuss here.

It’s rather the topic collectables. To me personally it is kind of catchy and motivating to have different targets I can aim for in a game. Such es WOW got lot’s of achievements providing cosmetic collectables like titles, trophies, skins and more. Did the devs mention anything about that to be implemented in reforged? I feel like there is potential to make reforged more catchy to a broader gamer diversity than only competitive ladder players.

What I had in mind are i.e. achievements gamers could aim for in ladder games. Such as build 50 headhunters and win the game at 1on1 or 2on2, choose tavern heroes only (minimum 2) and win the game, etc. These are just a random proposal. There might be nicer ideas for in-ladder-game achievements which nicely align with successful (or challenging) metas. Single achievements might provide cosmetics or collections of achievements. I personally am in favour with portraits cause the immediately display achievements to your opponent and might psychologically effect them before a party starts. Skins for heroes or units might be another possibility (with cosmetics switch on/off function for tournaments).

What do you think? Would it catch a bigger audience / motivate gamers to play more frequently? Has there been any suggestions by the devs related to reforged already? Let me know, what you know. I still sincerly hope that reforge can become a worthy successor of wc3 tft.

Warm regards, Smoothy


collectibles and/or achievements do not make a game better

WC3 does have some unlockable achievements, such as portraits… but adding more collectibles and achievements wont change the game

if you want to unlock portraits, just play multiplayer

if you want skins just play custom maps, you can import all sorts of custom unit models using the map editor, we do not need to give away money to purchase these pointless things, its not what we need to improve this game

all this crap is just a marketing scam to clean out the wallets of less knowledgeable suckers

what THIS game needs is a proper ranking system, which is what Blizzard has already announced that they are working on right now, they will release the ranking system in a few months… have you read any of the dev blogs which go into detail about the new ranking system? thats what this game need to be more popular, not portraits

I dont understand how people get so obsessed with something like portraits… wouldnt it be cooler if instead of unlocking portraits (like a child collecting stickers) wouldnt it be cooler if we could unlock a full character/avatar? and maybe unlock special armor types for our characters? why should we settle for something so worthless as a silly portrait? I dont get it

are you even aware of the fact that this game used to have a ranking system? and it was taken away? and all original players lost all their old profiles, stats, clans, etc? I had many icons unlocked in the original WC3 but its all gone now… does that not matter? does skins, trophies, and portraits fix that? no it doesnt, we will never get those things back. So what matters here is recognizing what actually makes the game fun, and it has nothing to do with unlockables thats not what kept this game popular after 18+ years

For 1500 human wins we should have got the Jaina skin, instead of just icons. Add it to the list of missing features. With Quenching mod you can play with other skins though.

1500 wins with human = Jaina skin?

1500 wins with Orc = Thrall,
another 1500 for Centurion etc.?

Bad Idea.

It wouldn’t catch a big audience to be honest as most players are playing multiplayer. But it would give players who play the campaigns something to do and motivate them to play until the custom campaign feature returns in a year or 2. Except if they forget to implement a non cheat system where you won’t get the achievement if you used the cheats as right know you can get all the campaign portraits by just cheating. Something like achievements would be cool but a lot of people would be pissed if they add it before returning the missing features like clans or custom campaign.

There was an achievement system in SC2 that I quite liked. It applied both to campaign and multiplayer so I am all for it.

If they give wc3 the sc2 treatment the game would have been in a much better state.

Sounds harmless and there are many people who play games for achievements, so it’s a good idea. Yet another case where players know better than Actiblizz.


uff, that sounds like a post by someone who just didn’t get what he wants. Someone who is frustrated, not to have the long promised features, such proper ladder system and other features of former wc3. I actually understand your frustrations, since i know wc3 from day one. And i also wait for ladder features like a child that wants to go disney world. So of course i also prioritize such features to come first.

However, that wasn’t point of this thread. Point was, i was thinking of additional objectives which could be added to ladder games. These additional objectives can be used to gain collectables on the one hand. But on the other hand it can also be utilizied to engage ladder gamers to try new, fresh, challenging or crazy metas. To win the objective you must win the game + reach objectives conditions.

Anyhow the chance to make your profile look more individual, could give many players more motivation to play the game imo, to play it more frequently and to play it in more diverse ways. I also know that blizzards dev’s are definetly able to integrate such features, in case they want to.

Though, i agree, that could be task for 2021, next to fixing bugs and balancing the game.

I’ve seen a lot of successful games do this and I love that idea; it keeps players grinding and it’s fun to unlock new things this is definitely something I’d want to see implemented

How is it a bad idea to earn skins? You’d rather pay extra when we were told otherwise? Coool

Since it is 2024 and warcraft 3 team wants to make things better, let me give this message a push after 4 years xD