Stormgate RTS, Created by OG Blizzard team

So they cut fund’s to RTS which Blizzard is famous for cause it does not make Candycrush phone game money -,- How sad, Turning all Blizzard IP into casino’s just milking to further Activision agenda, Cause they atomic bombed its own valuable IP formerly known as Blizzard, Now reformed guild under new name, DreamHaven, also Frostgiant and more point is most of team is OG Blizzard who care’s about gaming and not making casinos.

Stormgate is a new game that will be launching in the future, but we don’t know the exact date yet. They want to make sure the game is really good before they release it. In July 2023, they will start testing the game with a small group of people. They will get feedback and make the game better based on what they learn from the tests. The testing will continue until 2024, and they will add more people to try the game over time. If you signed up to join the testing, you might get an invitation, but they can’t invite everyone because they got a lot of responses. The game will be available to play on Windows PC through Steam, and it might be available on other platforms in the future. The testing will be open to people in all regions where Steam is available. The game is being developed by Frost Giant Studios, and they have experience making popular games like WarCraft III and StarCraft II. They want to make Stormgate a great game with exciting stories, fun co-op gameplay, and competitive esports.

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I have a Stormgate question as it pertains to being a fan of Reforged and Blizzard intellectual properties:

If Activision Blizzard takes legal action against Stormgate for stealing Blizzard intellectual properties such as Marines or the feel of Warcraft/Starcraft, and if Activision Blizzard should win in such a case and crush Stormgate, wouldn’t that be exceedingly demoralizing for fans of this genre?

It almost feels like we are poised to have a social media explosion that turns off even more people to the genre, simply on the whim of Activision. And when I think about playing a non-Activision RTS, avoiding getting screwed by Activision would have seemingly been one of my goals.

As an example, I made a self parody post in 2022 about what if Activision took legal action against my open source Java-based emulator of Warcraft 3, and although I removed the parody within 48 hours when misquotes of what I said that took it as truth started popping up everywhere… At some point, I think the majority of people were not able to discern the parody from the reality. And the U.S. laws are actually generally based on a “jury of your peers” in the worst case. So, what I’m saying is that my peers can’t discern between whether an RTS emulator that follows the rules (or at least any rules I know of) and avoids offering downloads for Blizzard assets – instead only allowing download of the emulator code itself – even then when it follows the rules, people are fairly ignorant of the difference. They don’t care. Believing Activision took legal action against something supports their narrative of frustration with Activision so often they probably wouldn’t even question it.

Because so many people easily accept Activision taking actions against something they won’t win like that, maybe their simple faith in what isn’t true actually makes Activision win. And that would mean Activision could probably win against Stormgate, too, even if ideologists and thinkers find themselves on Stormgate’s side.

So, how do we win? What is the pathway to good RTS in the future? Is Stormgate ready to have the social medium use it as a tool to further disenfranchise RTS players? If not, how will it avoid this fate?


While I wouldn’t strictly speaking call it entirely “original,” it seems like that game is sufficiently distinct that I doubt they’d lose a legal fight unless it can be proven that they actually stole assets directly from Blizzard (i.e. actual files/images/etc from their time as employees), or if they are violating a non-compete agreement.

I mean if you want a good RTS game that is outside the drama you associate with activision, the age of empires series fits the bill quite well.



First off
Blizzard IP is dead as off WOW WOTLK Expansion they sold soul to Activision
Activision is a casino phone game company and does not respect any Blizzard IP they are a parasite leeching off Blizzard IP

So they way I would see it is Activsion ruin its own IP like Vince Mcmahon ruined WCW IP after buying it, They have 0 reason to sue for a IP’s they treated like casino

How can Dreamhaven,Stormgate studios win? The reformed Blizzard guild?

They invented the wheel, They know how to make actual video games not casino’s
The people will see, Most do not even know Blizzard died.

Where did you get the idea that Blizzard would sue anything of that? By that logic I play a crappy mobile game that clearly took ideas from war3 and WoW and did in in their own crappy mobile style (but still own style not like they copied the colors and numbers exactly). Why not sue that Chinese mobile company with experience same or worse than Diablo Immortal. There is nothing from Stormgate not known by Blizzard, im sure they have talked it out what they would be making to be ‘distinguished’ from Blizzard property.

This is some unnecessary drama speculation.

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I’m personally just waiting for Stormgate to drop so people abandon Reforged. They already confirmed Stormgate gunna have a Mapeditor and use the hero system from Warcraft 3 in Custom Maps with items ETC. The campaign apaprently won’t have heros.

So many maps are gunna be ported over it ain’t even gunna be funny.

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ya ive been following closely to this one, if it was as good as wc3 im moving to it.

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huh? lol this makes no sense

53% positive reviews on Steam. So much for that.

It’s only in early access to be fair, but, still.

Aye, Early Access curse at it again. Same with some of the other RTS games I’ve seen in that state, like Warchief (Which, to be honest, looks and feels more like a mobile game).

Not to mention the F2P nature of the thing. I am tired of MTX. I just want a proper, suitably priced game that makes me feel like I’ve just started playing WC3/SC2 for the first time.

Dunno if that makes me simply a nostalgia-chaser, but I love this genre too much to not support it.

This game is terrible. Graphics and units and gameplay copied from starcraft 2. This means co-op will be completely boring like starcraft 2 co-op. No epic story like warcraft 3 with beloved heroes like Arthas, Jaina, Illidan etc. Useless dog scouts and workers are doing nothing but mining. “Pro gamers” who got paid to play else they wouldn’t bother.
We don’t need more rts games. Just update warcraft 3 instead please.

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Its not like Blizzard stole from Warhammer 40k or anyting and lost that lawsuit lmao. So if anything GamesWorkshop would sue i guess?

Nah, GW didn’t sue when Warcraft was made so there’s no chance they would do so with Stormgate.

And Blizzard did want to make a Warhammer Fantasy title but didn’t get the license so they made Warcraft instead.

Im pretty sure it happened and was settled