Stop- take a moment, and-

If only that was the case in both regards. Some ‘critics’ are blockheads and I wouldn’t mind being a paid forum moderator or just generally employed at Blizzard otherwise.

Personally I dont like SC2 cartoony graphic, unit design and macro mechanics (queen/mule/chrono), thats why I still preffer BW - this game still has Soul and gZ serious atmosphere. I know Pro scene ect, but seriously what is the problem to implement QoL mechanics in Campaign and Use Map Settings/Custom or even searated noob-ladder/unranked games so normal players/casuals could still enjoy, discover and learn the game LOL.

Its not dead only because of Pro streamers aka FlaSh, Larva, Sea, Bisu, Rain ect, but when they leave (retires, injuries, other games [WCR!?]), this game will die permanently.
Im 100% sure BW w/o qol and new balance (refresh meta) will not live another 20 years, not even 5.

i wanted to make all my numberpads react as the original number keys to use them for grouping, the problem is that i remap them to do so but, CTRL key + numpad 1(original 1 key) doesnt react the same way as the CTRL + 1

what command i need to type to make the magic happened?
plz help me,i use a usb numpad near my original keyboard ,i just want to press the CTRL key from main,and the numbers from the usb numpad
thanks for your time ,have a nice day!

tbh, it’s hard to take this forum seriously when the devs don’t eve take the patching seriously.