Stop saying that game needs to be delayed before it's too late!

The downgrade look is the biggest wrong decision they had, Let’s hope they change this decision.


And they will regret it, if they have not already.

It’s not pirated. Wc3 was and still is free to play in China.

Even better, Blizz will make no money on this.

I think the main problem, is that there are still lots of graphic improvements that need to be done and if they release the game now, they may just “forget” to do them…

Besides we don’t have an official release date, besides 2019 or the placeholder: 31 december. So not having an official release date when the game is supposed to release in the next three weeks is an obvious bad sign…


We could have a release date tomorow or 11th of decembar - that’s usuualy when patches arrive

You’re so naive if you think that a company with little to no monetary incentive will give resources to do “massive” updates after release.

The first thing you should already consider abandoned would be any sort of widescreen UI (blizzcon like), alternate models for heroes, unique models for missing units such as baine, tile system would be left the mess that it is right now being extremely bright compared to the really dark unit models, and so on.

You would literally get subpar systems such as a league where the portraits are just programmer art such as in sc1 and stuff like that.


A lot of Blizzard games has Massive updates after release

Games such as HOTS where they sell you units single units (which cost less to develop and earn more) or games such as SC2 which sell you expansions.

WC3 already confirmed that won’t have newer expansions, in fact, look at overwatch, “overwatch 2” is basically a patch, and they’re selling it at full price because they didn’t want to do a free update that included new models and stuff.

Same thing with wow, every expansion costs money, even though they already charge a sub fee.

If the game got to a 40%-60% development status while on active development, don’t expect the couple maintenance developers left after “release” is out to be able to actually develop everything that is needed.

In fact, everything isn’t just “development” a lot of stuff are art assets being incomplete or incorrect, those stuff require Blizzard paying for the “outsourcing” again, which lemonsky reportedly was done with already, so I’d say, don’t expect any complete unit overhaul… which is sad. The worst looking unit is the human peon for example.

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They confirmed that the only thing you will pay for - is PvE level up content
All heroes,maps,and engine updates are on the way and will be there when the OW2 is released

Okay so? doesn’t change the fact that they needed to sell an entire new game for them to justify adding post launch content.

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They cant add SO MUCH content in a mostly PvP game

They’ve scrapped nearly everything prerelease. What makes a person think they will somehow continue work on it after release is beyond me.

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Do you think they’ve just deleted it? It’s obvious that they have some sort of archive for that - espesually when they are getting feedback!

Lol, now you change your argument? you just want the game rushed out because of your selfish desires, you probably aren’t a warcraft 3 fan.

Because as a map maker, the game released in its current state would be the biggest disappointment ever, and I would definitely not bother mapping for reforged… If Blizzard wants the community to pour hours of their own time into building FREE content, then they better deliver what they promised and possibly more, NOT less.


What are you talking about? A lot of the stuff from blizzcon 2018 were temporary systems meant to “show” how it would look like but they weren’t actually done, then when they realized that they wanted to rush the game out threw them out of the window.

This includes the minimalistic UI, portraits and 16:9 UI, and darker grass/lightning


They still have this content somwhere,just like they still did have 1080p Cinematics from 2003

Let it be delayed. It is overall better that way for the community, than to have a game full of bugs.

“And they say Blizzard games don’t have bugs.” Crypt Lord quote


What content? you don’t understand the fact that having a “glued” system is different from a system that would be on release which would be moddable.

They said that the UI would be modular in 2018 blizzcon, which current one is somewhat with FDF files, the Blizzcon UI was most likely just a static “UI” placed on top, non modular hence why that is NOT useful for anything other than as a concept UI.

They technically have NOTHING stored… the 1080p cinematics are a completely different thing because those were done before the actual cinematics got “downgraded” to fit into cds

I CAN’T WAIT AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS…I’m tired…I don’t want to be disapointed yet again…