Sound is bugged after 1.36 latest hotfix

Some players noticed a new bug regarding the sound of the game after the most recent hotfix.

The sound is incredibly loud at times.
This can be fixed by zooming in and out again at the beginning of the game, but you have to do that every map and its really annoying.

Some theories about this:
All sound effects had a unique sound level to them. This might’ve changed and all sound has been changed at once. this makes it so that heavier units create a louder sound than smaller units. The issue is exasperated because it’s a 3d positional sound effect, so depending on camera location it can get extremely loud.

Ideally, the team should compare current sound levels to the levels of Patch 1.26 and adjust accordingly. Don’t just uniformly adjust all sound files

Given that the issue is fixed after zooming in and out, the sound effects might be tied to camera hight and that creates an issue.