Sorry, but lots of us wants a good Campaign!

  • You want to keep the 12 unit selection limit: Go ahead, if the community really want it, there will soon custom modes breaking this.
  • You want to keep the changes on competitive minimal: Go ahead after all your customers on this don’t want changes

But please! we already have a warcraft III to play old campaign, what many of us wants now, is something that matches all your hard work during this years, tons of stories, books, expansions (good ones and bad ones), something that make sense to those who wants to introduce to this Warcraft Universe and something that make sense for those that already read, play and hear all the content you have been created until now.

You are the only capable to make the decision… because no one knows better the Warcraft Universe than you.

And! It would be sad to have lot of new models only for custom maps instead for an epic campaign.


Im really interested to know what you mean by this exactly? Like for custom games? Im sure custom games will support unlimited unit selection

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Have they confirmed this?

Even the big and main character of Battle of Azeroth not going to be in reforged such a shame.

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No one is even against breaking the 12 limit in custom games. Go for it.

We only care about keeping it for competitive ladder.

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Knowing blizz they will keep the limit even for custom games…

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Vice president of Blizzard Robert Bridenbecker apparently said this.

I don’t care about the 12 unit selection limit. That’s just like whatever to me.

Just revise the campaign as promised.


Dude… stop with the misinformation.

The only thing that got scrapped was planned side content that would have required them to completely re-do all the voice work for the campaign. Every other change to the campaign is still going through.


Where is that said? The way the article depicts it the campaign revisements are all scrapped including any further retcons and it’ll remain the same campaign that it was with upscaled models. Also no updated cinematics.


The most recent BlizzCon panel from almost an hour ago pretty much confirmed it. But it was such a minor part of the panel that I’m not surprised it slipped by people.

The major changes are not happening, but the minor-ish ones are.


Yes, I believe in the map makers community here, I think they can give us good new games modes, they only need less restrictions on the Editor.

Yes, even if i’m not sure if this is real that’s because I made this post, better express my thoughts now than be sad when final release

That is sad too.

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So you mean the entire Culling of Stratholme mission we had in Blizzcon 2018. Because that had new voices, and Arthas’ old voice actor refuses to work with Blizzard.

They’re not redoing the voice acting. Period. They’re porting all the old sound files over.

The Culling is still going to be 90% as it was in 2018, from what I understand.

But that’s what’s so disappointing and weird. If there are no redone voices then how will Anasterian’s inclusion make sense? Will they just not talk? This is ROTLK stuff that I feel would have been important to the Silvermoon campaign missions.

Unless they scrapped Anasterian.


They didn’t scrap Anasterian. He’ll still cameo. But he’s likely going to have generic dialogue related to whatever unit he’s a unique version of.

And that right there is just lazy and disappointing if all his role is to be similar to the “Captain” to go “Oh, it’s nice he’s there too I guess.”

I prefer Arthas’ new VA anyway.


Well, you’re not the one working super duper hardcore crunch time on the game with a looming deadline.

And expecting them to delay is unrealistic given they have not delayed a single game ever in their entire history.

We heard almost nothing from WC 3 Reforged for like a year and for them to change their minds to meet the deadline at the last minute is a weak cop-out. This is not the game we were advertised.


You cannot do the revised Culling of Stratholme mission because it had new voices.

How in the bloody hell is Arthas going to react to the miniboss when he doesn’t have the voice line reaction? Is he just going to grunt whenever something that’s exclusive to Reforged happens? Is Anasterian, who already has a model, just going to stare Arthas down?

Is Arthas and Kael’thas’ duel in Icecrown, one of the most legendary scenes in all Warcraft novels due to the dramatic and provocative dialogue, going to be entirely silent?

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