So the Night Elves preview on the website has finally been updated

Thats not Shandrist. Not Ne Archer

It’s Templar Assassin from DOTA

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You can not cheat me… It’s not a Night Elf.



Seems so. Warcraft 3 : A Reforged MOBA tale thrilogy

But m8 she was highelf, if thats sylvana why shes in nightelfs pictures
What this ninja is doing in warcraft anyway?
Maybe outsourcing studio has mistaken and took it from their games

I am frightened as hell. Remember how Chinese bought IBM just like that ?
Maybe Malaysians are buying blizz guys :smiley:

Yh but clearly thats not Archer nor is it sylvanas…

Now it could be Shandris but not likely. NOW THIS IS WHAT IT IS:

This is a unique model for DARK LADY for Multiplayer. Right now wc3 uses syvlanas model. We know reforged wants each unit to have its own design so dark lady has this model.

Which is good and all but makes no sense to be in the NE picture since its a tavern hero.

Pretty good model for Dark Lady tbh.


No I can almost guarentee you that model is the model for dark ranger which is a tavern hero.


You guys should make a wager on it but the wager should be no matter who wins or loses, YourArthas stops making new accounts to circumvent his ban(s).


See thats where there was a problem with WC3 Original. They use Syvlanas model for Dark Lady now she is a dead elf.

Dark Lady is probably a dead elf aswell or is alive sylvlanas like.

Oh my, this is so hype! Loving everything about this! I had this feeling to check the forums randomly at night!

The Archer is so fearsome!

But can be ascertain with certainty that he lacks any cloak at all? We don’t see his back.

The same for the Archer - we see her in a weird pose, not even in the front, and certainly not from the above.

And the Dark Ranger/Sylvanas shared model came from Shandris which came from (presumably) living-Sylvanas which came from the pre-beta Ranger hero that was scrapped.

We’re probably going to be speculating for a while (again) until we see/hear/are told something.

We are in the end game now.

Honestly, why is everybody talking about Sylv/Shandris? They just decided that some Archers wear literal niqab now. It’s one of the 10 models, don’t forget.

I actually love unironically Islam and support face covers. After all, the Night Elven society is based on guerilla warfare like Afghanistan. Face the reality.


Someone pointed out a lot of design elements being really similar to Sylvanas’ stuff. Bow design, embroidery along the trim of the hood, the particular kind of boots, the really dramatic eye glow, etc.

No idea, though. Will wait (again) for something more concrete and definitive. The mystery of this hooded character’s interesting though.


You really hate me, don’t you?


Sorry I am legit simultaneously too lazy and distracted (multitasking right now) to scroll back up.

It’s some good observations though.


By the way, Sorcs should wear red thighhighs.

Dramatic and morally grey. But seriously, they all have glowing eyes.

Or if they don’t, they will. Mwahaha.

How are you posting on that account? or is this new account that is not banned 9999 years

I’ll take “New Account” for 600, Trebek.

Definitely it can only be Archer unit.

There is no hero on the other races image. Only basic units.

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oh lord, the comments are ridiculous, so many lore noobs,and dramatic people. it is an archer with a hood on, end of the story,it is a Night Elf not a High Elf,tavern hero… Also on the campaign screen in WC3 the Archer you see held a bow that used to glow a bit.


And people who don’t follow logic.

And to me, wearing a hood is not a deal breaker. They are assassins hiding in the shadows.

Actually, if we’re talking about WoW, the Rogue class is the only one completely made up for that game. So, if they’re giving one of the 10 variations of the Archer a mask, it’s an elegant way of bridging the gap between the aesthetics. See the recent Thrall cinematic.

Also, can’t upvote anymore posts, don’t take an offence to that.