Since Update: Shortcuts Broken

Okay, so.

Ever since the most recent update, my Warcraft III desktop shortcuts are broken – and even the .exe file in the program file won’t launch the program unless I go through the update launcher.

I wouldn’t honestly care, were it not the case that it completely locks me out of the world editor. There isn’t any way to launch the world editor program from the update launcher, and those shortcut/.exe files have also been broken.

I have tried repairing the program to no avail – is this a problem specific to my installation or is this a problem that many people are having with the current build?

have a look bro

Word. Thank you.

I’m glad I didn’t waste my time reinstalling. lol

One might need to manually fix the shortcuts. Also there is now only 1 shortcut so the RoC one mayl have upgraded but the TFT one is now broken. To change between RoC and TFT use the in game button.