Simple feature to drastically improve online play

Can we get a simple report system? Report troll accounts for TKing, AFK, and leaving as soon as the match starts? Simple algo can ban these accounts for 1+ hour(s) if they get X amount of reports in Y amount of time.

stupid AT team banned u

There already exists a support system.

It is semi-automated which basically means that someone needs to get consistently reported for the same issue by multiple people before the account is flagged for review.

You can right click someone’s name on the results screen to report them for in-game reasons. You can right click on custom games in the custom game list to report inappropriate room names, and right click on users in the chat to report them for something relating to that.

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So besides AT team fight RT team, and after few games everyone knows the AT team’s composition and RT start leaving,
they also curse, please watch this AT team (team 2).

They have Racist attitude and bully + curse. Then normal people leave because nobody want to see their language … shame!!!
It is not possible to get decent game anymore.

Not to stir the pot or anything, but by your own admission you’ve said some stuff in some games that you probably shouldn’t have. While it is absolutely wrong and still absolutely reportable for others to make racist comments, you’re not completely innocent yourself, and you need to watch your own word choice when you play.

But there is a simple solution: if people are nasty, just go into the ingame options and turn the chat off… turn it back on after the game.

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When they say first one or two scentence, my RANDOM team leave knowing they AT!
Of course they ARRANGED TEAM stay and make fun!
Is hard to play 4x at once, not always possible.

And one game no issue, free win for them, but paired against them again and again, and I loose my free 2h warcrafting time, instead of having fun just getting angry! Do you got my point?

Learn something from these encounters. Just because they are AT doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Lots of crap players team up. Or if you think it matters so much, find someone to play with and go AT yourself.

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Why should I learn to play 4x at same time, maybe also 4x different races?
I want to have fun not to starve myself to be a pro. That’s other gamers job they are paid for kind of performance.

no one’s getting paid to play war3. Even the game’s top tier pros aren’t making livable money because there are few tournaments left anymore.

No one said you had to be a pro either. But there is always room to improve.

And if you’re better at the game you’ll have more fun because you’re winning more.

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100% this guy “Cat” talks sh!t on bnet then has the audacity to try and play innocent and post on here when we retaliate and talk sh!t back to him??? LOL, too funny.

That is correct… there is a !mute option for a reason. If you can dish it but you cant take it, mute the players… plain and simple.

Listen up Cat, you have been leaving games for no reason as long as i can remember, for no reason, when im solo, when im on AT teams, when im on your team, when everyone is random, you just leave, and a quick look at your game history will show this, that is why you are 3k mmr. great way to spend your 2 hours of game time spam leaving games huh?

i’d say that ruins games more than people talking shat. most people here have played this game since release (myself included, former top player for well over a decade) and expect that in their games, perhaps this game is not your speed and you should go play something a little less punishing, or maybe stop giving yourself a bad reputation and get some friends to team with.

you know what else ruins games? people who do nothing but mass gyros and bat riders with 20 apm and can still win, why have bats not been nerfed and copters reverted to their ROC state along with tanks? i dunno but lets keep buffing orc :slight_smile:

What’s the problem with that? Is it against Law or WarCrafting Rules?
But belive me Bad talk, Shaming, Racism, Xenofobia, Trolling, Griefing sure it is against the Rules!

And I can include Cheating, and I consider sort of cheating when the same AT
team plays 3rd or even more time against my Random team! Something is not all right, pairing same AT with RT again and again!

I think their point is you’re using very niche tactics that are only going to work in certain circumstances, but you’re using them all the time, and then leaving when they don’t work.

I totally get that you find certain units fun, but you’re sabotaging your team when you don’t adjust your tactics depending on the situation.

Well, I feel dumb. Didn’t know that was a thing. Most game make it clear with a report button next to a players name in end game summary screens.

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This feature was shoehorned into a game that was never originally designed to have it, i.e. was made before such a thing was common. That’s why it’s not particularly obvious.

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