Shadow Hunter's projectile dilemma

There’s something about the SH’s projectile you should know…

WC3 SD: SH is like Rokhan, the weapon is like Rokhan’s, the projectile is alright.

WC3 Reforged:

  1. SH wears a mask, the weapon is different, the projectile is likewise (corresponds to that new weapon).
  2. Rokhan is inspired by SD, his weapon is likewise, but projectile… the projectile is the same as the normal SH’s!

This is because in WC3, both use the same projectile! And in Reforged, that projectile is the generic SH’s! And that is the new weapon! Which will look horribly when Grubby pays 2.50 USD to unlock Rokhan for ladder!

DrSuperGood and Retera et al., do you think Blizzard could divide the SD projectile into two? So that Reforged could make a different one for Rokhan?


its not “Standard Definition” its WC3 Classic, you can still play it in full 1080 HD

It’s most likely just a placeholder till they get Rokhan’s projectile finished. With the amount of detail they’ve gotten thus far, I would be very surprised if it was just left like it is.


Jay : Well, I mean, the graphics engine is actually getting completely rewritten, alright? But it will be compatible and still be able to read all the existing content, the… we call it SD for what’s live right now, for standard definition. And we have… the goal is to maintain perfect compatibility with that.

I just typed WC3 SD into google, guess what the first results were? WC3 Reforged!

Type in WC3 Classic and you get Reign of Chaos

The original game is sold as and called WC3 Classic, I don’t care if the president of blizzard says its “SD” its wrong, the game is called WC3 CLASSIC and it is playable in full 1080 HD

By your logic, Reforged should be called WC3 4K… but that would be stupid

Click on the video, dude. I put the timestamp right there. Or are you wc3tutor’s alt account?

I’m afraid it’s the question of compatibility with SD. I hope they can release a free patch where they make another projectile, assign it to Rokhan and make it the same as before - in SD. Whereas in Reforged, it will be different.

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standard definition doesn’t even support widescreen

SD = 480p and 4:3 aspect ratio… learn basic tech terms

the only reason they mentioned SD in that one single video is to simplify the terminology for newbs who don’t understand the difference between classic and reforged… but its not being marketed as SD its sold as CLASSIC

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I personally hope they remove Rohkan’s mask. I want to see his face!

It’s Warcraft 3 SD and marked/related in the group of the Blizzard CLASSIC’s (radical difference)

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Since the projectile’s model itself is just aesthetic, I think there’s a chance that skins could have different projectiles. Though none of the actual stats of the projectile, like speed, cannot be changed, because that would affect gameplay.

You do realize that terms can be used by more than one definition? Obviously, when talking about Warcraft 3 SD, it doesn’t mean actually SD, but the Classic’s graphics. It’s just a term used to refer to the level of graphics, because once Reforged is released, there is no Classic Warcraft 3 and Reforged Warcraft 3, because they’re technically the same game.

Think of this way: there’s two campaigns - the Classic and Reforged campaign, but you can play the Classic in both graphic settings, SD and HD. Therefore what would you call the Classic campaign played in HD (i.e. Reforged’s graphic settings)? Classic Reforged campaign? That would be just even more confusing.

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this is absolutely incorrect, just look at SCr it didn’t mean SCclassic doesn’t exist, after Reforged releases people will still be able to install the original game from the CD without accessing Reforged

if people want to call the original WC3 as “standard EDITION” that’s fine… but do Not use the word DEFINITION when referring to Classic, because Definition = resolution

if you pre-order Reforged then you get access to CLASSIC for free, not the “Standard Definition”

Its unfinished.

Its pretty clear that its a placeholder.

I work at a tv station for a living as a master control operator and have graduated from college under video production. This is correct, SD is based off of aspect ratios for both the monitor and pixels that often result in black bars on the screen to make the image more square. HD is just a proper 1920x1080 (p is progressive meaning the image loads pixels in a crisscross, whereas i is interlaced meaning it loads one row of pixels at a time) is without bars unless there are added cinematic bars on the top and bottom of the screen.

You could play reforged on a SD monitor and you could play classic on a HD tv screen and stretch the image to become hd, but it might result in artifacting… When up-converting SD tv shows into HD does cause a loss of data and can result in artifacting/Frame Loss. So yeah, calling it SD was a bad call on blizzard.

Funny enough, even though SD is more susceptible to digitalization and artifacting. For some reason SD broadcasts can survive bad weather and sun transits more easily over HD. So if bad weather knocks out your channel, try to seek out those old black and white hallmark shows or free channels on all tvs, assuming they are not up converted.


The issue i have with basic reforged shadow hunter’s weapon is that it looks like a melee weapon and very heavy to be thrown, also in flight it spins kinda like in slow mo

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Yes, I think it looks too big. Somewhat unwieldy.