RT vs AT is disgusting!

random vs arranged is the epitome of unfair competition. If you guys are trying to make players quit, than just say it. if not, than it looks like you dont understand the value of fair competition.

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They’re trying to make players NOT quit by having games actually pop vs never popping at all.

Calling it “disgusting” doesn’t make your point stronger. I agree its not a great situation, as if the game achieved mass popularity this wouldn’t be a problem, but with a limited player pool these measures were implemented such that more games happen. I’d agree with anyone saying the match quality degrades as a result, but is that worse than no matches at all?

Random vs Random is fair.
If no qs for arranged, so be it. 4 grouped vs 4 random isn’t fair.

Fair or not, it’s worse when people leave these games just because they think/know the opponents are AT. It may be an uphill battle but it’s not impossible. They paint themselves with some noble cause of protest but really it’s just making the game worse.

Sure, it sucks, but some of us would still like to play. You can’t learn if you don’t play.

Frankly, many of these ATs have artificially high win rates because of the people who leave at the mere sight of them.

I consider the leavers more disgusting than the ATs.

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Yes, we know, just I opened a lot of threads about RT vs AT.
We could do a separation like :

  • 1v1
  • 2v2 both Random
  • 2v2 both Arranged
  • 4v4 all Random
  • 4v4 all AT, (or here a 3x AT could join, if they did not find fourth friend and get one random colleague. But other team mandatory AT also.)
    Like this we do not mix up things and everybody happy.
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