Rexxar campaign 21 player coop

I’ve made the Rexxar campaign playable in 21 player coop! All quests, zones and other triggers work! The reason we have not seen a proper coop mode for Rexxar campaign is because no one has managed to solve the issue with loading screens and saves when going to a different zone. I have solved it and you don’t need save codes when entering a new zone. The maps have also been optimized by me for instance by merging triggers and removing unused content.

The Rexxar campaign is a masterpiece however Blizzard never balanced the maps. All enemies now have +40% attack damage buff and increased health. Some custom enemies have increased base damage and new enemies have been added. The items have also been balanced, resurrection stones have been replaced with a more interesting concept, attribute ability gives +1 instead of +3 to all stats, units use the latest melee patch and much more!

Some cutscenes have been changed to dialogue (voices and display text while you play), to make the pace faster and improved story telling.

Player 1 = Rexxar. Player 2 = Rokhan. Player 5 = Chen. Rest of the players select a hero in-game, playable heroes are all orc- and tavern heroes (except Pitlord). To prevent glitching with air units: Beastmaster’s summon hawk replaced with drunken brawler and Dark ranger’s charm doesnt work on air units.

Add me on Battlenet if you are interested in playing! It’s being hosted on fridays and saturdays. This coop campaign should be added by Blizzard in their custom games folder for everyone to play since it’s higher quality than the current singleplayer version of Rexxar campaign.

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Hey man, i would love to have this map! I want to introduce the Warcraft gameplay to my new friends and as we know, new players doing a regular game sucks and the Campaign is great but we all want to play together.

I have played the map a lot with friends and random players. In one game there were 16 players :rofl: ,but usually around 10 players will join. The only complaint from players who played the current version 2.1 is that they want more exp/higher level and less dialogues from npcs without impact on the story. I am planning on updating to version 2.2, it will probably take me a week or two, after that I will upload to a website.

Credits & Changelog 2.1
Map developed by Dani#2192. Original map by Blizzard.
-Rexxar needs level 4 instead of 3 and level 8 instead of 6 before creeps upgrade.
-Chen and Rokhan can move earlier at the start.
-Units are paused during second, third and fourth cinematic.
-Charm ability no longer breaks quests. (Dark ranger)
-Fixed peasant not being able to build altar of kings. (Dark ranger)
-Dialogue near harpy lair entrance triggered by any player.
-Orgrimmar tunnels: Sappers owned by red instead of neutral.
-Reduced move speed of phoenix creeps to 320.
-Echo Isles: Fixed Batriders spawning inside each other. Changed portrait of Rexxar air hero. Increased acquisition range of battleships from 900 to 1500 and the battleship furthest east attacks a different building. Voljin’s dialoguee more audible.
-Buildings with attack damage aura are hidden.
-Archmage: Removed wand of mana stealing.
-Boots of speed and Healing salve: Reduced max stock from 2 to 1.
-Reduced gold cost of Ring of protection +4, Rusty mining pick, Enchanted shield and Runed gauntlets.
-Arcanite shield: Improved tooltip. Reduces piercing damage by 40 percent instead of 30.
-Gold item: Increased gold from 50 to 100.

UPCOMING UPDATE version 2.2 current suggestions:
-Hero got stuck between the 3 peons near thrall after using scroll of town hall, add 1 small invisible wall there.
-Remove 1 of Drekthars dialogues at start
-Remove 1 of Morgs dialogues at start and 1 when you finish his quest
-Remove 1 of Chens dialogues at start and 1 at end
-Remove 1 of Gawlozes dialogues at start
-Increase gold cost of scroll of mana from 150 to 250.
-All heroes get extra skill point after quilboar q complete instead of only rexxar, chen and rokhan?
-Move heroes and knights further away from each other at summit event. Make Rexxar
and Chen teleport to summit before cinematic.
-Blademaster: Replace windwalk with fan of knives due to skipping enemies such as at echo isles fire quest.
-Drekthar’s second quest can be started right after you finish his first, instead
of wait for 3 “earn keep quests” to be completed
-Drekthar: If not in Thunder Ridge region teleport to Thunder Ridge region where you first met him. So cant be used outside Thunder ridge.
-Remove 1 of Drekthars dialogues in thunder ridge.
-3 air heroes, if not in Echo Isles region then teleport to Echo Isles region near voljin
-All heroes start at lvl 2 instead of lvl 1 but reduce stats of rexxar to match beastmaster
-Boots of quelthalas increase gold cost from 1500 to 2000.
-Circlet of nobility gold cost from 500 to 600.
-Remove 1 of voljins dialogues.
-Scepter of sea has 10 charges and gives 3+ all stats.
-Archmage and paladin drops tome of experience
-Drekthar should also drop a tome of power (+1 level) when you’ve killed all enraged lizards
-Nazgrels ensnare didnt work on heroes. Replace his ensnare with the ensnare from wolf raider.
-Mountain king: Drops the shield of honor instead of orb of fire (dont remove orb of fire from his inventory!)
-Drop tome of experience: Phoenix boss, kobold boss, harpy boss, lvl 10 bronze dragon near fountain, murloc mutants which are preplaced near human camp, echo isles: Murgul boss, hydra boss, sea king.