Restore old accounts that been deleted over the years

At Blizzcon you guys mentioned being able to merge your account into your bnet account and retain all your stats and that.

Unfortunately this is only true for active players, and anyone who hasn’t been playing the game for a while will no longer have an account to merge and they might feel a bit slighted once they become aware of this fact because all their previous history with the game, no matter how long ago it was since they played, has all been deleted.

I noticed this when I went to login to my account and it was saying it didn’t exist, so I looked around and came across this post with a response from Blizzard.

Now there may be nothing you guys can do about this, and that would suck, but if you have backups or the ability to make a way possible to essentially reclaim a deleted account so you can restore your game history (possibly even friends list, probably be some rare occasions where old friends meet again through this if that merges over as well, no idea), then I’m sure all your old players that come back would be really happy to see that.


Same, I thought my Warcraft 3 account was permanent, it had around 750 wins. Last time I played was around 6 months ago and now it’s gone…

Edit: apparently the web stats are still available when you re-register the same account name. Friends and icons are still purged though.


I got my account deleted as well, still have screenshot of the webpage with all scores, just in case they consider bringing it back :sob:


Ok, so have there been any updates on this?

I saw with the Beta datamining that will will be able to link our old accounts. I wanted to check my old account but it is deleted. I dig through my mails and the exact account name on Northrend (EU) does not exist - I was able to create a completely new account with that name.

I wonder if they have the data of the old account or are they flushed clean - or if they had but now that I made a new account with the same name and email I removed the opportunity for me to have my old account restored somehow.

With Beta approaching, I’d like to have a blue reply about this issue.

EDIT: So, there have been a post on the us forums - I just checked the link in the og post. It seems they didn’t plan for this at all back in the day so the old account are done for. Sad.
Starting from the bottom with everyone else I guess.


So if I use same name and email I’ll still have my wins just not icons ?

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