Stormwind did exist it was the name of the friggin castle in WarCraft 1 that got burned down. Even in the opening scene of warcraft it specifically says “the chared remains of Stormwind Keep” You response makes no sense in the scheme of things first scene warcraft 1 “The Kingdom of Azeroth is a prosperous one” even in warcraft 2 on of the armies is the kingdom of azeroth. as i said before the only reason they werent in warcraft 3 was they were busy rebuilding from the first 2 wars. There is never a reason its not a recon its a plothole and a big one at that
Your right, it was the name of the castle, because let’s face it “stormwind keep” is a nice name for a castle. Then when they decided to make the world Azeroth they gave the kingdom the name stormwind, but that was only after W2, when the lore got attention.
I don’t see a problem with that. It’s the nature of Settings this size that along 25 years your bound to get a few retcons along the way.
Chris Metzen said many times that the Warcraft lore was only codefied when they decided to make W3, because they where making WoW at the same time, and that required a lot of background story to be set in stone.
But you can see that they were still thinking some stuff along the way, for example, I have my W3 Collector’s Edition manual in front of me and they don’t refer to the kingdom as “Stormwind” but rather as “the region of Azeroth”, as in: Azeroth was the name of the region not the kingdom. So it would be: Lordaeron in the north, Khaz Modan in the middle and then Azeroth in the south.
Fun Fact: At that time Metzen already had decided that the world Azeroth was a titan, as stated in the Warcraft Diary, but was only later in Warcraft life that that was revealed, but if you look at the story it all makes sense I think
sorry for the long text i get way too much into this stuff
The difference is we were already promised the retconned WC3.
It doesn’t matter what option is more popular, people paid money for a version of Warcraft 3 that would be altered to fit World of Warcraft lore, not a reskin of Warcraft 3.
You seem to be operating under the perception that enlarging Jaina or Sylvanas’ roles wouldn’t be sufficient for me.
As I said, I don’t care about the lore, that of WC3 or that of WoW. What I care about is Blizz providing what little they did promise in their initial release. That being a retold story that would be more in line with current WoW Lore. Redone visual cinematics. Redone voice lines.
What Blizz is doing at this point is a reskin. And guess what, I saw mods with reskins in the original WC3 in its heyday. There are complete conversion mods for other games which completely reskin the characters for free.
Why do I think Blizz should do what they promised? Because a reskin isn’t a game.
Anything Metzen says regarding Lore is bull he was never a writer on the first 2 games only an artist thinking he was a writer only during Warcraft 3 did he start writing so yeah my point still stands
The easiest and simplest solution that some people don’t understand. If you don’t like the REFORGED campaign then don’t play it because the old one is still there!
Stop. We don’t need WoW nonsense “lore” in WC3.
Blizzard made the right call and does not listen to you. Even though probably Not for the right reason.
We are the majority. Get over it. You view silent people can play WoW. Have fun there.
By we you mean those that say “Who cares about the campaign? If you don’t play melee your opinion is trash. Don’t change anything.” right?
What a beauty of a comment, I take my hat to you Sir!
it’s so easy to rebut a comment that is made out of personal bias instead of facts
He’s credited as “documentation” for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans but that game also had no formal story or writing credit either.
Your dreaming bud
You’re not, the game will always be there for you to play. Get over yourself.
You know, I have already seen enough on this topic. Cegesh is right. We are the majority. I guess I could fall into your “purist” category. That doesn’t mean I don’t like change in games though. Change has to make sense. I started playing Warcraft in 1994 on DOS, and then Diablo in 1997. I have every right to voice my opinion to Blizzard no different than the entitled generation who crys about things being too hard in games, and wanting this Retconn crap. I was there when the original was born, and the reforge is a tribute to the awesomeness that Warcraft 3 was in its time. Most of us in the older generation have fond childhood memories of this game, and we do not want it butchered. If you want a new RTS then go hassle Blizzard to make a new RTS in the wow universe that has nothing to do with Warcraft 3. They already butchered Diablo with the third installment, and that is not what we want on wc3 reforged. It feels great that Blizzard is going back to its roots with remasters, reforged, and the return to darkness with Diablo 4, along with its talent trees and runes (some still missing, but it’s the correct direction). Blizzard never promised Reforged to be totally different from the original, let alone the story. Stop ruining our games.
::Edited a typo
What a joke responce. We RTS fans From the start.
I like the original campaign, no one needs WoW nonsense. But pleased argue about you lost point no one wants.
Yes, we are.
You were the loudest complainers up to Blizzcon, that’s for sure. As to whether or not you’re the majority, that’s not so clean cut.
Simply being the loudest doesn’t mean you’re in the majority. It merely means you shouted the loudest.
Based on all the complaints about this walk back on what was promised, I’m fairly certain there are three camps. The complainers about the redone campaign, the one’s wanting what was promised, and those that genuinely don’t care either way.
But sure, claim to be the “majority” because you whined and like a baby being handed a toy got your way.
You have to understand one thing. The game had two modes for the campaign. They did not walk back because of the fans. They have other motives. Like perhaps rushing the game.
I have nothing against DLC and new things. But I don’t need changes because of WoW.
Their stated reason for the walk back was you. Therefore, while its quite likely they had other reasons for walking back on it, I’ll continue to hold you and yours at least notionally responsible. After all, Blizzard is doing it, so why can’t I?
And regardless of your complaints about WoW…Your complaints can be answered quite simply by playing the original WC3.
Literally nothing was or is stopping you from doing so. But instead you and yours decided to whine about changes to the game that you found untenable. Which unfortunately brought us to this point.
That’s silly sorry to say it. But if I were “responsible” (which we aren’t) I would be glad and take it. It’s like GTX said we like this story and want to preserve it.
New things are okey, NEW DLC content or whatever. That’s a separate issue.
Again no. Never even use this stupid argument again. If you don’t like the original, or want WoW, that’s your problem.