Reforged Sale

DOes Reforged ever go on sale?
50 dollars (the price in my country) is pretty steep for what little Reforged offers to someone who already owns Warcraft 3

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If you already own WC3, it’s probably not worth it. The only thing you may want is the multiplayer, but you can already get it through LAN over internet (like Garena). I would suggest to update to 1.29 or 1.30.4 though.

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I doubt that Reforged will ever be on sale.

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yeah, nobody will buy it even for free :smiley:


If Reforged’s graphics were a free upgrade I wouldn’t hate it. For half price I"d actually consider it, for 1/3rd price I would’ve gotten it a while back.

50 dollars is way way too much for what it is though, especially with the ways they butchered the pre-mission cutscenes, especially for the Night Elves, half-arsedly chopping “Furion” out of every piece of dialogue over some bull-pie copyright dispute.


I asked this a few months ago and from what others told me it seems Reforged has never gone on any kind of sale.

I check every now and then, but it seems Blizzard have simply written the game off and are literally pretending it doesn’t exist.

Giving it a discount means giving it exposure, and that’s the last thing they want.


Summer sale up to 67% off stuff and War3Reforged is still full price, they really don’t want anyone to buy this huh


Depending on the success or failure of Resurrected they will keep ignoring Reforged.

if it’s not on sale now (I checked, it isn’t) it likely won’t ever be.


It’s a PREMIUM QUALITY product in high DEMAND and it will never be on sale. XD

Honestly, they think that you will get it for the full price, because of the nostalgia. They are milking their old-school fans. Remember: in recent years they lost 20%+ of their players, BUT their profits are UP! Bobby is happy and ultimately, that’s all what matters.

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I noticed a huge Blizzard sale going on and was really disappointed it wasn’t on sale… with all the problems I keep hearing about it I’ll never pay full price for it.


The actual worth is zero dollars…


They can’t have it go on sale before making back the money they lost on refunds.

So, wait until the year 2050.

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Many of us did. Myself included. I have never refunded a product so quickly in my entire life. I actually gave it longer than I ordinarily would, thinking “The bugs will be worked out in the first patch or two.” LOL.