Reforged is bad

Just wanted to make a post expressing how bad I think reforged is lol
i think its awful

So rate it then ! scale 1-10 or A+ to F- or in %

4 out of 10

One time in like 2020, when I was going to write a rant on discord, I started my rant with “Reforged is bad” and pushed enter on Discord, firing off the message in a DM to one of the people principally responsible for making Reforged.

Before I could write and send the rest of my rant, he sent back a simple reply.

“It’s not bad”

This thread is such a shocking revelation! I had no idea!

That’s what happens when the project is cancelled before it’s finished, leading to rushing it out as is. Then, pulling unrelated teams to moonlight on something they aren’t intimately familiar with to bring it to a minimum level of functionality. And then, leaving it like that.

multiplayer 3v3 4v4 is unplayable 5 and 7 games streaks with instant droppers TK trolls win traders and people who didn’t get on the premade so they drop after a few seconds. blizzard should sell this game to a new company we can call it blizzard north or sumthing.

Maybe if their development time wasn’t all spent on gender-swapping male heroes and altering a campaign that needed no corrections they could’ve made something that wasn’t a piece of garbage. Literally the only things they needed to do was update the UI and make it stable on modern PCs, but they couldn’t even get that part right.

It didn’t have anything to do with not being able to get some or any part right.

You replied to a post of mine that explicitly states what caused WC3R’s problems. In other words, it wouldn’t have mattered if they did/didn’t do what you described.

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Grubby put up some great videos about this on YouTube and what was going on behind the scenes with his Blizzard contact(s).