Reforged beta: 5-10 fps in game

Hi, I have 5-10 FPS in game Warcraft 3 Reforged Beta, on W3 classic game I got ~200 fps. Unable to play game due shutters, please help.

Have you tried disabling Vsync and turning Shadows and Occlusion off?

Yes I did and there is absolutely no difference.

Just old grathic cards of AMD and G Force
7 serias not fixed . I run so well SC and HoTS.
Is same grathic engine ?!

It’s an updated graphics engine with improvements rolled in from WoW. It’s the same engine underneath with a massive overhaul.

What you’re experiencing is the lack of optimization. It runs badly because it’s not optimized for all hardware types, and it’s just being locked to ‘Medium’ settings AFAIK.

Ook…thanks for enswer man…

Oh I re-read your post.

No, this is not the same engine as SC2 and HOTS.

This is Warcraft 3’s engine, which is the same as the WoW engine. Hope that information helps.

WoW engine?!.. ook…but look so is reworked HD engine vers…

I have NVIDIA GeForce 710 graphic card it has 2 GB memory and 64bit bus so it should run it without any issues. While I am in the game and open task manager I see 100% usage of GPU.

Make sure it’s running the right graphics card. Also have it on Fullscreen, not Windows Fullscreen. That fixed it for me.

WoW was based on the WC3 engine originally, but they are very different now. They probably share very little code in common.

The 710 is a very weak GPU. It has a shader processing power of just 366 GFLOPS. To put it in perspective, my very slow, old, GTX 760 has a shader processing power of 2,258 GFLOPS, over 6 times as much. A modern replacement for the GTX 760 I use (price comparable) would be the GTX 1660, with 4,308 GFLOPS, and with AMD you might be able to get yet better performance than that.

5-10 FPS is what I would expect with Reforged graphics for a for a GT 710. This would mean my GTX 760 gets 30-60 FPS easily, which is pretty reasonable considering it is a mid range card that is over 6 years old. The graphics are far more complicated than StarCraft II using considerably more complex geometry and likely being less optimized for such graphics.

To emphasize how slow your GPU is… The base Xbox One (not faster X model) has a GPU capable of 1,310 GFLOPS, over 3 times your GPU. Even the integrated GPU in the Pentium Gold G5600T is faster, at 403.2 GFLOPS and that is a $75 dual core processor. This is largely why such low end budget GPUs have fallen out of fashion.

I recommend sticking to classic (“SD”) graphics. Those should perform at 60FPS easily. If not then that is a bug that has to be reported.

Hi, thank you for your comprehensive reply. At my home same thing happens 5-10 FPS with different graphic card GeForce GT 730 ZOTAC (It is improved GT 730, not classic one, please check their website) . My friend has intel i7 latest generation processor and getting shutters as well.

They are using the same stupid engine 18 years olds, thing like this happen

Try turning visual settings to lowest and running Reforged in fullscreen mode (not windowed fullscreen). Apparently some settings such as occlusion are performing very poorly no matter the hardware used. As I do not have the beta I cannot confirm this, but the general advice currently is to turn off reforged features until performance is acceptable.

Blizzard also said that optimization will happen around December in the run up to release. As such many of these performance issues with some settings may be fixed then.