Reforged Artworks tier list

I will now rank all artwork for Reforged that has been released (except icons and 3D renders).

TIERS => S : Godly / A: Very Good / B: Good / C: Ok / D: Meh

SSS TIER : Maiev

S Tier : Blademaster - Archmage - Necromancer -

A Tier : Phoenix - Dark Ranger - Druid of the Talon - Chimaera - Priestess of the Moon - Female Demon Hunter - Mountain Giant - Far Seer - Spirit Walker - Tauren Chieftain - Keeper of the Grove

B Tier : Mal’Ganis - Arthas - Garithos - Jaina - Grunt - Witch Doctor - Kel’Thuzad - Sylvanas

C Tier : Tree of Life - Gnoll - Uther

D Tier : Ghoul

(Too few Medivh and Rexxar were shown, so i can’t rank them)

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The Reforged silence is so bad that people are coming up with posts like this

*Sidenote the more and more I look at the art the less im becoming spiteful of it.

I guess im just getting used to it now…


maybe that was their plan, to wear out your resistance to the design


I dont like the following designs:

Dread Lord - Looks like a evil clown

Arthas - Long Neck plastic feminine face

Ghoul - Old man with hair and long tongue.

The rest are fine IMO

am i the only one who doesn’t like the paladin on the site? try to look at him and ignore the lordaeron emblem would you be able to tell he’s from warcraft?


Forgot about Sir Buzz Cut

man if they get rid of the keeper of the grove’s beard…lol…

the keepers they have in wow are just not cool looking at all…and i’ll prolly just stick to old graphics for stuff like that

Lol, those early concepts of Thrall are pretty hilarious.
I am so glad that they didn’t go down that cartoony road.
Warcraft is cartoony and it should stay that way imo, but some of those Thrall ones looked like Chibi’s.

The Paladin model looks pretty dumb imo tho, mainly because of the haircut but also I think that he’s too ‘’ narrow ‘’. He should be wider imo.
It’d make him look more bulky which he should.

I think they just tried to create a paladin that does not look like Uther. I’m sure it will be changed

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Really… With that face?

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Let’s see:
SSS: Chimaera,
S: Maiev
A: Archmage, Phoenix, Far Seer,
B: Blademaster, Necromancer, Priestess of the Moon, Female Demon Hunter, Mountain Giant, Spirit Walker, Tauren Chieftain, Keeper of the Grove, Garithos, Witch Doctor, Sylvanas, Gnoll
C: Druid of the Talon, Grunt, Kel’Thuzad, Uther
D: Mal’Ganis, Arthas, Jaina, Dark Ranger, Tree of Life, Ghoul


SSS: Chimaera, Blademaster, Garithos, Maiev, Gnoll , Witch Doctor, Mountain Giant, Phoenix, Peon, Rifleman, Mortar Team, Raider, Knight, Peasant, Abomination, Meat Wagon, Tree Of Life, Necromancer, Sylvanas, Priestess Of The Moon, Far Seer, Archmage, Mal’ganis, Spirit Walker, Shaman, Grunt, Zombie Arthas, Jaina, Uther, Footman , Dark Ranger, Tauren Chieftain, Tauren, Troll Headhunter, Troll Bat Rider, Wyvern Rider, Paladin, Ghoul, Spellbreaker, Druid Of Talon, Keeper of the Grove, Female Demon Hunter, Kel’thuzad, Milita, Skeleton






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Mal’ganis looks better than B teir imo

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Tbh tho I am not so fond of the toned down cartoony artstyle.
I don’t hate it, but I wish that it remaind more similiar to the original.
RTS games in particular I think fit better with cartoony graphics with bigger proportions, especially since things are so zoomed out and it really helps grounding them to the world and making them feel more ‘’ weighty ‘’.
MOBA’s also come to mind, it gets hard to tell who’s who/ what and what’s going on if the silhouettes aren’t strong and big enough and it makes them feel as if they blend into the environment too much.

Warcraft 3 had very strong silhouettes and the characters were all very big, and it made them feel like they had weight and popped out of the environment a lot and it was easy to tell what was going on.
SC2 did a really good job with that too.

I also dunno how to feel about the more ‘’ WoW ‘’ feel. I get that WoW is basically what Warcraft is today, but this game should be a love letter to the original game and the fans of that game, not a butchered retcon/ pretender with the Warcraft logo made to pander to the modern audience who might never even have played the original.

Street Fighter V for example made the hands and feet bigger when they wanted to focus more on E-sports for this very reason, because it made it easier to identify what was happening and where things were.
It’s not something that most people think about, but people subonciously notice and feel them when they’re playing and watching.
It’s also why feminine and masculine proportions tend to be bigger in games like RTS and fighting games, because it gives strong silhouettes that makes them pop out of the environment and makes it very easy to see exactly what character that you’re looking at and what’s happening, it just makes it easier for your eyes.

I sorta feel as if WC3 reforged took a step towards something like League of Legends. I wish that the models felt more bulky and bigger.


This here is a good example of what I am talking about xttps://

Compare it to the original game, things are just a lot harder to see.
Look at the Shaman fighting the Footmen for example, they sorta just look as if they’re blending together. They don’t look as if they pop and stand out as much as in the original, things just don’t look as clear.


I think he’s perfect.

First of all, you can play that exact design in WoW, so you can’t say he looks out of place. Second he looks like a grizzled veteran without looking like an old man who should have gotten off the battlefield years ago.

He looks badass without drawing from any one specific lore figure, making him unique and generic at the same time. I just hope we get a female version that looks just as good.


You must have gotten confused, this is the Warcraft III forum, the WoW forum goes through here: World of Warcraft Forums

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You must have gotten confused, because last time I checked World of Warcraft and Warcraft 3 share a setting. If buzzcuts and moustaches fit one then they fit the other, because they’re literally the same place.


Where can I pay for comments?

I mean, if she really worked for it and made her look revolve around that 'stache, it could fit.

In some very weird peoples minds.


SSS Tier: Kael’thas Sunstrider, Blood Mage, Necromancer, Blademaster, Chimaera.

S Tier: Dreadlord, TC, Gnoll, Garithos.

A Tier: Uther, Mortar Team, Talon, Rifleman, Grunt, Maiev, MG, PotM, Phoenix, FS, WD, Wyvern, Bat, Walker, Raider, Shaman, Knight.

B Tier: Jaina, Paladin, Spellbreaker, KT.

C Tier: Arthas, Footman, Dark Ranger, Ghoul.

D Tier: female DH.

SSS is orgasmic. S is insane. A is very good. B is solid. C I don’t agree with. D is sad.