Random Team vs Arranged Team

I do not want to play against an arranged team with randoms. To get around the lousy excuse of “well there aren’t enough players to go around,” give people the OPTION to not play against arranged teams. No one, and I mean NO ONE likes to play a game with an inherent disadvantage.

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based on this statement there’s no difference between it no AT at all and having the option.

There are other ways they could deal with this to at least level the playing field a bit, by applying an MMR penalty such that ATs get matched with higher MMR opponents if the opponents are RT.

Adding that option would just recreate the same problem Bliz is trying to avoid. It will segregate and thereby lower the queuing population.

Yes, there are people willing to wait as long as it takes when they queue. Alt-tab out, watch TV, each a sandwich, whatever. But not everyone is willing to wait. Some want to get in asap, some only have a short break in which to play, some simply want to play, not wait, etc.

And as a result, instead of the constant trickle of AT vs RT complaining here, it would just change over to the can’t find a match/taking too long to find a match complaining.

@CaptainJack + @Leviathan - you see now?
Other people have exactly the same opinion!
I also do not wish to play all day long in RT vs SAME AT !!!
Mean after game finishes I get EXACTLY SAME AT again !!!

Always win same strategy: fiends, griff, knights, mortars, tower rush maybe, feeding UD to get fast 10 wyrms, etc, or 3 elf mass archers + 1 human mass footies etc!
They know what are their plan, Random team not even talk!
After a while is ridiculous, when you start to add team MMR’s you get like Random = 10.000 vs AT = 20.000 total MMR

At least define a barrier, once vs AT / 1 hour for everybody who is not in that AT !
Eg. one flag initial played_WithAT = 0; than after first match with AT , played_WithAT = 1; than use it in pairing algoritm = some_other_condition && ( !played_WithAT)
finally reset each hour this flag back to 0.

Like this they also have a chance to find Random meat-bags during their victorious conquest !

What I would like more than this is a requirement of playing 10 unranked matches before you can play ranked so I don’t keep getting “i’m new so i must instinctively go to ranked matches instead of learning about the game normally” players

Is not just about being new. Belive me Pro’s do Not play 4x4 exactly because if they cannot communicate well, or others do same (eg. all go melle - nobody AA) than sure is a loose!

Not every AT player is expert, but at least they “Know the drill”
team A ( A1=paladin rifle griff; A2 =knights priests sorcs; A3 = fiend frost; A4 = TC+hh+shaman) .
From second 1 they know strategy , stick to it, do just those upgrades… so they got muuuch more chances to win than one Pro + other 3 random who did not talk - or you ask nicely : Please you human do AA and finally he make some mixed army - which is not bad in 1x1 but in 4x4 is sure loss !

Why are you @'ing me? You’re acting like I don’t think people have opinions? You and I have never talked about AT vs RT. Plus, nothing I posted here had to do with opinions, mine or anyone else. I didn’t judge anything as good or bad. I didn’t agree or disagree with anyone’s position. But as usual cat, you don’t even read what people say before responding.

No, they criticized you. And no, Bliz isn’t going silence people just because you don’t like what they say to you.

Has it not occurred to you yet that maybe the reason the posts you flag aren’t moderated is because they aren’t breaking any rules? Simply not liking something doesn’t mean it’s against the rules.

Your other thread of yours (that you self quoted above) has a callout video in it when you know perfectly well that is against the rules. So don’t be a hypocrite by accusing others of breaking the forum rules.

EDIT: Looks like Bliz finally noticed your callout thread. If you get moderated too much, you could lose your posting privileges.

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Why you threatening (frightening) me with moderation [Leviathan] ?

I’m not threatening you because I don’t have moderation abilities.

I’m simply educating you about how moderation punishments work. The more you are moderated, the worse the punishments get.

And there’s nothing to be afraid of if you follow the rules.

When you have a problem with what someone says, just ignore them. If you think a post break the rules, flag it and move on instead of derailing other people’s threads with moderation talk.

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vanish stun hammer blade master wind walk ur hero died

This is why it’s an option. Making it an option I don’t see any downside. Giving people the CHOICE literally answers every problem you bring up.

There is absolutely a downside that I explained above: it splits the queuing playerbase.

Right now, everyone (those who don’t care and those who do care) are all together. If those who care break away to a separate queue, it’s going to significantly hurt those that don’t care.

The entire queuing system is based on a balance between convenience and inconvenience. Specifically, queue times vs match quality. It’s a spectrum which Bliz tries their best to draw the line somewhere between the two extremes.

As the line is moved in one direction or the other, it only benefits one side. It will never benefit both sides at the same time.

In other words, to improve match quality, queue times will suffer. To improve queue times, match quality will suffer.

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But if bliz is right and people would rather find an unfair game than wait longer for queue then it shouldn’t be a problem right? Just give people the option, they try searching for a FAIR game, and if it doesn’t work then they either uninstall the game or decide to play on unfair matches. Giving the option is fair. I don’t care about potential downsides. I don’t want to play an unfair game. And neither should you

And therein lies the problem. It’s all only about you. There are other people in the world. And Bliz is going to try to accomodate everyone as best as possible.

Lol. It’s one thing to be self centered, but it’s a whole other to expect that people should only think like you.

I think you’ve effectively killed your postion with all this self important, borderline megalomania.

Over all my years in SC2 and WC3, there has always been complaints of people feeling the queue times are too long and that the match quality is low. There is no way to satiate both sides. Both have to make some level of sacrifice.

There’s even a sprinkling of feedback here and around the forums about how people can’t find games because the queues are so long. And you’re wanting to make it worse for them?

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When the alternative is unfairness? Absolutely. And then I suppose there are renegades like yourself that make sure the game stays unfair by arguing the other side. You are a hazard to this game. If you like things unfair and luck based go play poker. Wanting the game to be fair isn’t self centered. I didn’t say i want to be the only one not playing against arranged teams. But since you’re fighting for it so hard I can’t help but think you’re one of the people getting on discord with your 3 other bros like “yo okay let’s group up and own these fools” and like the game easier for yourself.

If I was self centered wouldn’t I want it to be mandatory and not an option for people? I’m out here trying to give people the choice. You want people to be forced into unfairness. Your very stance is the definition of self-centered.

I don’t think anybody particularly likes it. The problem we have is a logistical one: Most people don’t form ATs- typcially due to not having friends that play this game, though there may be other reasons as well.

Because of this, AT players would have to wait potentially a very long time to play if they were treated seperately from everyone else. So in the interest of people being able to play more easily, this is why they combined the queues. However, at any given MMR, an arranged team has advantages over two random people who never met before.

So the devs had to make a choice: Do we make ATs wait forever for a match so RT players can have a better experience? Or do we combine the queues so ATs have a shorter wait time at the expense of hurting the experience for RT players? And they chose the latter.

As I said in my last post, they could improve this without removing the AT/RT if they really want to keep it. They just have to consider the fact that being in an AT increases your chances of winning and thus compensate for that by matching them against stronger solo players. For example, if your AT is 5100 MMR, the system would try to match you with either another 5100 AT, or two RT players with an MMR of 5200-5500 (Made up numbers for example purposes).

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4v4 should have AT+RT
Too tough to get enough friends in war3, especially if all you want to do is screw around for a few matches every month.

The more competitive modes like 2v2 and whatnot, i dont care.