Quit until FPS drop issue caused by last patch is fixed

This only started with the last patch
Affects no other game.
Basically FPS will drop 40-50 throughout the match. Only happened with the release of the last patch
Game becomes choppy af dropping from 90-120 fps to 40-50 And going back
Not worth playing at this point

DOES not affect every match, it will eventually happen in particular game, and will continue throughout it.


A lot of people have quit already including me and my friends. The constant FPS drops and lower FPS makes it unejoyable. Newer players dont know any ebtter because they have nothing to compare it to whereas more odskool ones feel the difference immediately. It is now 1 month later without any fix and nobody from the dev team has even acknowledged it in these forums. This makes me think they might not even be working on a fix. I keep checking back every now and then for an update, I have not given up completely but for time being we have moved away.


If only they’d actually quit tbh, im tired of hearing people moan about playable framerates.

Back in my day, 30FPS was the norm lol

There are a number of known workarounds for various FPS issues but clearly they don’t want to try them.

The problem is the drops, I played yesterday on 300 fps and today on 100 but it drops on 50 fps and the games feel choppy like if you play on 400 ping.

if it’s “choppy” changing the CPU affinity for the game while its running may help. unselect cores 0 and 1 and that might do the trick.

Also make sure “reduce mouse lag” in the game options is unchecked, this is also known to cause problems.

Yeah, I tried that, also I tried to disable my amd gpu, I even added the command line in the launcher and that worked, I got like 200-300 fps all the time and for some random reason yesterday I could only get 80 fps and it drops every 5 seconds on 50 fps and then the game feels choppy. I also tried scan and repair, I tried offline, I tried to play on classicHD and reforged, then I got only 30 fps… They did something because two days before I had 200-300 fps…

If changing the CPU affinity helps, you must do it every time you play, because that setting is not saved by Windows. With a program that doesn’t have a launcher, you can use a shortcut to automatically apply these settings, but that generally doesn’t work with games like this that require a launcher.

This is something that Microsoft does need to address in Windows, because this game is hardly the only reason anyone would ever want to set the CPU affinity- there’s a reason why the setting exists in the first place. Linux probably manages this a lot better but end users don’t commonly use Linux.


Is this not a setting you can apply to the executable from the launcher itself? Something like “-affinity 2-3-4-5-6-7-8” etc?

edit: The method I had posted does not work.

I tried a few different things. I was able to launch a command prompt that ran on only specific CPU cores, and any program executed from that command prompt would also only run on those CPU cores. But even if I launched battle.net this way, the game would not inherit those cores from the battle.net app.

Making shortcuts to the game excutable does not work, as doing this will simply open battle.net, and then we have the same problem. If you could directly launch the game executable, it would work. But even if battle.net is already running, launching the game by any means other than clicking Play in the app will not work.

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