QoL suggestion: turn off autocast by default or add an optio

QoL suggestion: turn off autocast by default or add an option to do so

not to say it’s a bad idea but I can’t think of an action with autocast whose default on/off state isn’t set correctly

The repair actions and the hero abilities with autocast default to off, and the caster units whose primary purpose is doing the thing that has autocast support default it to on.

This seems appropriate in the vast majority of cases, and when it isn’t a simple mouse click toggles it. I don’t see a need for change here.


yeah thank you mr 30% winrate with over 30k games played for your very valuable opinion

does your job consist in being first reply and trying to undermine any thread that’s being posted here?

“This seems appropriate in the vast majority of cases, and when it isn’t a simple mouse click toggles it. I don’t see a need for change here.”

-----> yeah having your sorcs/banshees use their mana for slow/curse on creeps is the best i’m sure! Also wasting your shamans mana on lust when not required is very efficient as well! now have fun explaining to me how you, the low iq dude with 30% stats, know better than me and have Grubby-like multitask ability that allows you to toggle off autocast in time for any newly created unit joining the battlefield!

Still don’t have 30k games played, but thank you, Trolly McTrollface, for your invaluable comment.

It’s almost as if you can toggle autocast with a simple mouse click when the circumstances change.

Do you spend most of the game fighting creeps with sorceresses? No, I highly doubt you do. But hey, I have a 30% win rate, so maybe waiting until I have casters to clear creep camps is the meta now!

The majority of time most people do want their sorcs casting slow and their shamans casting bloodlust, that’s why those are on by default. It really isn’t rocket science and you really don’t need to be a pro gamer to understand that. But please, continue attacking the person instead of coming up with a coherent argument!

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