Public Test Realm 1.31

Okay blizzard, how can I phrase it…

Before introducing new shiny things, take care of the mess you’ve made.

  1. Elf
  2. broken AT
  3. Overpowered TC/hh or Pala/rifls (in 2on2, 3on3)
    -> Don’t just look at solo, the minority of players are playing solo

You’re losing us. Take care.


This new version broke necromacers. If you sacrifice a unit to get the Frenzy and have enemy units nearby they will also be affected by magic. I believe the necromancers will be forgotten from now on. The way it was before was way better.

Orb of fire looks pretty insane. Now SS/DK can’t really save your BM/Lich from your MK’s hammer.

Knights have always been a weak melee unit. They are susceptible to slow and focus fire from hero spells such as nova.

One of the reasons that Bears are so good is because they are very versatile. Why not explore this when fixing knights?

Here are a few ideas I’ve thought of over the years:

  • A passive that reduces slow, stun duration etc

  • How about a paladin upgrade? Give them a shield that blocks all damage/spells for a short duration. Perhaps a mini heal that can only be used outside of battle?

  • Charge ability: Click a unit to rush. The knight will rush this unit, stunning it for 1-2 seconds.


shadows do not exist during the daytime? :thinking::thinking:

Really cool changes :slight_smile: I like the new items and the new upgrade for the Knights. One suggestion I always kind of thought of is - it’s not fair to attack a tree of life goldmine and have wisps repair it for free. I think a change could be if u focus an entangled goldmine, the tree of life takes a certain amount of damage too, and if ff tree of life, the goldmine can take a less % than the tree being ffed. It just seems that wisps are too safe in an entangled goldmine. That could help make attacking an entangled goldmine feel worth it. Maybe make an upgrade also for the goldmine like “poison thorns” so people who try to ff trees goldmine to dmg tree too, can get poisoned. A bit of a punishment for melee sort of like a spiked barricades upgrade but a small damage over time/thorns instead. Also killing sentry wards should give the person a small amount of xp. And also steam tanks should get an upgrade to allow 1 unit to be stored in it, (to be saved) healing it to 100% hp over a minute or 2, so u can’t keep loading/unloading. If it’s already at 100% hp, the unload cd should be 30 seconds to unload back out. Also sorcs, I rarely see invis saves or invis use in general in pro 1v1 games because spell breakers can steal their slow… one idea would be to lower the mana cost of invis to make it more desirable. As for 2 seconds cd for windwalk after ww is casted, I feel u should revert ww back to what the cd was, and change it so wind walk improves each level - lvl 1 and cannot walk through units, lvl 2 and lvl 3 the same as what it was, but lesson his movement speed at lvl 2 with a lower backstab damage. Keep lvl 3 the way it was. And maybe make mirror image more viable? Maybe have each image have damage, the 1st image deals 25% dmg, the 2nd 35% dmg, and the 3rd 50% dmg so when mirror image lvl 3 comes, the enemy can’t tell easily which image is the real one. How about the orb of fire causing a -5 dmg over time for 3 seconds. Also maybe give gyros an upgrade like “speed burst” that makes the gyro go like 5 feet in any direction so it can dodge a pandas breath of fire or carrion swarm, make the cd like 2 minutes so it isnt so imba. Make blizzard cause a freezing slow like frost wyrms, but not as long lasting. Make spirit wolves cool down 5 seconds less so instead of 30 seconds cool down its 25 seconds. (It was once 25 seconds) make long rifles upgrade be available after building workshop, so u don’t have access to it when u reach t2. Make milita duration be 45 seconds again. Lower shamans spells purge mana cost, an let shams be able to purge divine shield, and not just potion of invul. Have inner fire upgrade be faster to upgrade with less lumber needed. Make dragon hawks build time be a bit earlier even 5 seconds to be able to deal with a wyv harass sooner. Make sacrificial pit cost less lumber. Change it so necros have raise dead at lvl 1, then cripple lvl 2, then unholy frenzy lvl 3, with less damage taken.

I had the same problem. You need to move the custom keys file to a folder called “x86” inside Warcraft III folder, then use the Warcraft III.exe in that folder to run the game.

  • Integrated Direct3D 11 graphics API

Thanks for doing this. The game now runs amazingly fast under Wine using DXVK and on par again with Windows.

The one thing I noticed is that the game is locked at 60 FPS. I figured it was because I had VSYNC on, so I turned this off and my FPS jumped back up to 200.
My suggestion would be to maybe add in something next to that setting that says it will lock the FPS to 60.

This already exists. You can do it via the registry.

The PTR has the option under Video now. There is checkbox for VSYNC that is checked by default. I was just asking for like a tooltip or something that stated that it locked the FPS to 60.

Its important that a new ability for knights is designed carefully to help them fill their anti-ranged role or help them kill other large melee like mountain giants- but not cover their intentional weakness like against heavy air or spells. Humans already have spellbreakers, priests with dispel, non-organic flying machines and tanks and two ultimates that provide magic immune units. They don’t need knights to also gain any sort of resistance or immunity to magic/spells. If knights could fight through chims/wyrms/gryphons, they’d have no direct counter.

But a charge ability or some kind of other combat-centric ability like based on their shield or lance would be well suited to their role as mobile heavy melee and give them a distinction from footmen. Just something akin to the zealot charge from SC2 wouldn’t be a bad idea at all- it wouldn’t help knights escape when low hp but it would help them close a gap and chase down ranged units. DotA 2 had this in phantom lancer’s phantom rush, but that’s not so easily coded in WC3 with maximum capped movespeed, but maybe just a capped speed would be fine here.

I would have loved to see a charge ability, something that uses their lance for once.

But I don’t know how it would play out in game, I feel that a movement ability like that would be really strong for chasing and killing.

I’m not all that happy about Sundering Blades. I’m happy that they are looking to change up the game by adding completely new passives and abilities, but this feels like something that could be baked into the Knight rather than be an upgrade.

I feel like upgrades should be a tactical choice, not just a stat boost. You have choice in getting Ensnare because it makes Raiders have a new function, but you have to balance that upgrade with production of units. Here, Sundering Blades is DPS against a unit type. To me it’s a bit bland, because you know you’re going to upgrade it but it’s not so necessary that it would compete with production. You take it when you have a bunch of knights that already make it worth their while to have the extra DPS boost.

[BUG] Faerie Fire when used by player 17 to player 24 does not give shared vision on the unit. Please investigate! This has been reported since so long ago and it’s still unfixed.

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[BUG] Debug mode of World Editor doesn’t work.

to sum up the average human player - “we want to have a red button that says i win in every matchup all the time…even though these changes are strong, they can be stronger!”


Yeah maybe during the charge, they could have a lowered defense.

When I play PTR ladder it is showing ROC. Anyone know how to fix this issue?

How about this: Nerf spell immunity. It’s absurd that caster-type units can’t even attack MGs, Breakers, Destros, Dryads etc. All of which are considered overpowered. If you want knights to be used then the answer is to nerf magic immunity so Breakers aren’t auto-pick. At least let some amount of magic damage to go through and be attackable by basic auto-attacks. Casters are universally useless in this game, unless you’re against the one race that lacks these broken units - Orc. It’s a bad design to give units permanent full magic immunity.

Also, if mountain giants are magic immune, why allow them to be staved back to base? This interaction seems a bit broken to me considering how big of an impact it has in a match.

Casters cant attack MGs?

They have an upg to make them spell resistant, but that is not spell immunity. it just means spells like polymorph and cyclone don’t work, like lvl 6 creeps. They take full damage from caster attacks, barring any armor or the phys resist upgrade.


If blizzard is having troubles with MGs being hard to deal with, why not just change them from medium to heavy armor? Right now the great difficulty is that they fill a role like bears as a heavy melee unit and are nearly impossible to kill on the ground, but unlike all the other heavy melee they take only 75% from piercing and 75% from magic (and 50% from siege). Knights shouldn’t be human’s counter to MGs; Gryphon Riders should. But the difference between taking 75% and 200% from magic is ridiculous, especially when there’s a -12 flat reduction on top. As it stands right now, the only NE units that take bonus damage from magic are bears and glaives. And treants, I guess.

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