PTR Patch Notes -- Version 1.32.10 -- Updated March 16

I’ve alrdy writed in prev patch notes that NE is the weakest race, no further commentaries needed about that.
If i can’t play the race that is competitive, can i at least play a beafitul race? Like, are you planning any updates on Reforged graphics? It’s impossible to be played in melee because of these lag spikes, sometimes cus of them you even loose a unit cause you cannot use preservation stuff - lag spike doesn’t let you do it.
Also targeting some ‘‘special’’ objects like Gold Mine, too, causes a HUGE lag on a whole few seconds.
Like, when i play on Reforged graphics, i get these spikes from time to time even when i completely shut down the shadows and remove all the grass. And my PC spec is more than enough than Reforge oficially require. Can you PLEASE make reforged graphic playable, can you optimize it a bit better? Watching reforged graphic only in campaign is absurd, yet there’s no other choice currently.

instead of 75% resell, make it 60%. default sundering is bad news for night elf vs human don’t think its good idea. make fortified tower tier 3 (burrow stay tier2). revert wisp nerf / malitia duration nerf

Thank you for still patching the game, in particular that bug with the rally point being addressed was very important imo.

Remember when a PTR was announced and ppl lost their mind saying it was gonna be the great Human patch? That was 6months ago. Still waiting to see the Human imbalance, should be any minute now… Hope that this time the changes actually go through and that if something is out of tune then it can be scaled up or down depending on how it is instead of listening to everyone crying about their race being too weak.

The main problem with Human for a long time has been the workers being fragile & too easy to kill, if there was some appropriate defence available to really help shield them from worker abuse it would be better than the suggested tower buff.
So the tower buff is welcome in that way but the worry is that tower rushing will be too strong now, i dont think anyone wants that. Perhaps a compromise could be found where peasants could get some help and then this tower repair change does not have to go through. Or only make the towers that are near a town hall be affected by the new repair rate.

We saw 0 tanks on current patch, so they were definitely overnerfed previouisly, what’s the point of having a unit we never ever see? not sure if 60xp is the right amount but it’s not like in the previous patch with tanks being 4 supply we saw a lot of them.

Human vs Undead has ALOT of issues currently it’s not just the Cryptlord but it’s definitely the starting point. Undead can expand very easily. And has very strong physical damage with fiends+orb & the best nuke out of any race. Banshees hardcounter Human pretty hard. I would love to see AMS being addressed. Imagine if Inner Fire or BloodLust was undispellable? Seems a little silly. Some change around AMS would definitely be good.

Giants not being nerfed is a bit shocking to me. Everyone agrees its obnoxious to play against it’s pretty much everyone struggling against them.

I like the item changes but some items like ag3nt pointed out still need changing. Crystall ball & the multiple rings are all pretty awful still. Perhaps getting rid of those alltogether or buffing them more would be good. Lightning shield still too strong aswell, nerf it more or get rid of it.

All the Elves complaining about NE vs HU should do their homework and watch top level games where Elf has been doing more than fine vs HU so far this year.

Necrowagons is still too easy to execute and still overpowered and also needs to be addressed.

The high tier items in solo on red camps also still have too many garbage items like Helm of Valor. or Hood of Cunning. Only medallion of Courage is good from those 3 most of the times. Perhaps make it so that you can select which you get if you find one of them or combine them into 1 giving +4 all stars.

At the end of the day if you follow current high level tournaments Orc/Undead are doing really good and HU/NE are lagging behind. Anyone that claims NE is doing bad vs HU just hasnt been watching recent tournaments.

And last but not least, anyone using the w3champions stats to argue a point and handpick certain stats has to be the silliest thing i have ever seen.

Hope these changes actually go through and if something is not right then fixing it soon would be good.



One of the biggest problem in UD vs Hum matchup is constant pressure to Hum bases of UD. This is possible because of statue and his mana regen. I think that this is way to try change smth. When Hum has low health units, heroses with low mana its so difficult to survive. When come T3 with knights very often Hum is so far behind (high lvl of UD heroses who just picking with coil+nova units and getting exp. Human cant creep because all the time he is defending and cant kill single unit of UD army because UD has tons of mana all the time)


First of all, nice to hear from you again and nice that you still try youre best to improve the game. Really hope you keep it up so we make warcraft great again.

About the patches, i really hope u review this. These changes wont help the game rather the opposite. You need to look at the big picture here. one change that helps some issues can be devestating in other ways. Human will get too strong vs NE if this sticks. sundering blades, more lumber etc

Example: Give them more lumber faster is the wrong way to adress the problem (what if they dont die their peasants and what about other mu), make them stronger at peasant form must be a more valid choice that wont impact the game as much.

A tip for you guys is to let the pros be like a council that have strong impact on the patches. I mean they know much better then both you and I. Take the two best from each race: Moon, lyn, infi etc get their thoughts down and put them into print.


Human needed help vs UD but this went the wrong direction and it largely affects other matchups as it promotes expansions and tower rushes so much. Especially HU vs NE which was a fairly balanced matchup is now in danger.
Sundering blades by default is also a very lazy thinking change and seems very artifical.

What human needs vs UD is a little bit of a greater power spike vs UD at tier 2 where UD usually make their deadly push towards expo. I think being able to research sundering blades at tier 2 which would also apply for footmen and breakers would help HU players tremendously and would not affect other matchups as you only use breakers vs medium armor vs UD and in the mirror (vs orc breakers usually focus TC and MK is the main dmg dealer vs HH’s). I like tanks being back to normal as they are needed vs UD and won’t break HU vs NE matchup since tanks vs NE only brings more variety in possible strategies and don’t affect the overall balance.

All these changes (sundering blades and tanks) along with CL, frost armor and acolyte nerf would be enough to balance out the HU vs UD matchup without singificant danger of affecting other matchups.

In terms of item changes, I agree only if you could sell for 75% of price items you can actually find not items you can only buy (like TP)

I think in this patch, tower rushes would become broken as hell especially in lower-level play as inexperienced players have great troubles with this even now and this might suck all fun from games vs HU players.

Couldn’t agree more.

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They are nerfed vs HU with knights having sundering blades by default.

Giving the knight the sundering blades ability makes them as imbalanced, as taurens with the pulverize ability by default. What is the point in increasing the amount of gold you get from sold items? this makes creeping red spots and stealing items way too efficient. And what about all the aura items? For 20 years, it was fine the way it was. Now everything gets turned down and is not a true advantage anymore. And speaking or auras… Why don’t you turn up the archmages brilliance aura back to normal? I play this game since patch 1.03 in reign of chaos and I must say, I really miss the 1.26 patch. THAT was a balanced game. It seems like, you are wiling to patch the game to death

Godspeed, guys.

Hey Blizz,
Buffing HU towers, knights and tanks will help vs UD, but will affect negatively MU vs NE. How about some UD nerfs instead?
HU tier 2 push vs NE is strong as it is, and with tower buff, now HU fast expo is almost unstoppable as NE. NE doesn’t have favorable playstyle vs HU it seems.
Also please consider reverting the archer nerf, currently NE vs Orc is more balanced and NE is having a hard time vs HU and UD, playing ghoul/garg style.

If you could give us back custom campaigns and make Reforged graphics more playable (WITHOUT BREAKING ANYTHING ELSE IN THE PROCCESS if at all possible) that’d be great, please. (:
Also nice to see an update, after not having an update SINCE OCTOBER 2020. :]

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Still wondering who this “community” is that allegedly requested some of these changes.

Overall, it seems like a bit too many of impactful changes (at once) to me, but I’ll leave the feedback floor to more skilled solo players :slight_smile:


lol Siege Engine really make no sense reduced from 85 to 60 -.-


Hey guys,
first of all: thanks for still working on the game. I really think we got a great community that deserves some attention (and as you say, you do too)

I don’t want to talk about balance here, since there are people more qualified in that regard, like the top players.

In the introduction you said, that you are still working on ladder and other features. As you probably know, the w3champions team already developed most of the features that the game was missing. Why don’t you contact them to make implement their work into the game? As far as I know, they are willing to help since they care about the game a lot.

thanks for finally bringing a new update to Warcraft 3 Reforged. Would love to hear more of you in the future.

Thanks for the changes for the Undead vs Human Matchup. I like most of the changes especially on the Items to make them less rewarding but more saleable should eliminate the big RNG factor for those Aura items or other items which are not equal. Also, the repair rate was way too over nerfed previous patches (+12 seconds) which completely whipped out a lot of tower push strategies, which were a major deal in human gameplay. -5 Seconds is a good way to start again. Overall I think at some places there could be some adjustments to be done.

  1. Sundering Blades by default is definitely a good thing to lower the massive tech costs of human players and also allows for more t3 one base plays which could be more enrich all the matchups where we see a lot more t3 plays. Nevertheless, its quite a strong ability and maybe needs a change then to a little bit less damage.

  2. Siege Engines kind of find their place as a support unit to distract or work as anti-air since they got nerfed down to 4 supply. That was a good change and since they won’t and shouldn’t be massed anyway the experience change back to 60 was not really necessary.

  3. Bear starting Mana will definitely help elves vs rifle push, it’s so crucial in timing to have rejuvenation up faster. I’m not sure why a lot of elves complain here without considering that good buff. Maybe even higher it to 150 starting mana for rejuvenation + bear form available if master upgrade researched.

  4. UD changes are really good. Acolytes back then were way too over buffed. Rod of Necromancy could be also considered to go back to 22 if it affected early creeping so much, it was not a big deal-breaker in undead vs human. As previously mentioned in this forum there should be considered a cooldown even switching it through heroes. Cause that can really snowball pushes of the undead, especially if you play human one base it’s very hard to deal with the versability those 4/6 skeletons bring, in fight or as a raid unit. While the Cryptlord nerf was more than necessary, I feel like the frost armour nerf might be too big. Why not scale it 3/4/5 seconds Frost Duration. That makes it not so much less bad on level 1.

  5. I feel like one of the biggest Issue that is not addressed yet in Human versus Undead is Anti Magic Shell. 400 DMG block non-dispable just counters anything of the human. Banshees counter Knights, Gryphons and all the hero spells together. Together with the Statues which provide the same Mana reg as Brilliance Aura LVL 2, it is just a really dumb ability. Three different suggestions for How to deal with that, of course, don’t take them all at once: 1st lower the dmg block down to 200 dmg, 2nd lower statue mana reg by a bit or 3rd make dispel do dmg to the AMS. For example, 1 Dispel = dispels 200 of the dmg block if possible.

Thanks a lot and hope to hear great improvements through the testing phase.
Kind regards.

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Theory : Tod is secretly taking 10% of his earnings (equal to about 100$ a week) and sending it over to the blizzard interns who work on the game. The money keeps flowing and interns get their Tod allowance as long as the patches go in favor towards Tod and Human.




This is a PTR patch, it s not a main game patch.
Everyone raging like crazy here, stop it.

The purpose of PTR changes is to engage the community and to provide the opportunity for live testing so that valuable feedback is returned, before any changes are pushed to Live.

Just submit your feedback and do it like you would talk to your friends as you are face to face.

Good to see some attempts of balancing, even though main issue to me are still missing features of the game.

Regardless, reeeing of clueless NE players sure brings me joy, thanks for that