In the new 2.0.2 PTR when a match starts my zoom is very far out, currently its default is 2100 for me but this PTR update definitely makes it a lot farther than that, make sure this one is squashed as this can create annoyance when starting a new match having to scroll your wheel every time.
Update 1:
Tested more game modes and it is affecting Campaign too, game is not respecting Zoom Out preference and yes it starts at max distance. F5 will put the Zoom to 1650 which is Warcraft 3’s original Zoom when it should respect your Default Zoom setting.
Update 2:
I just did tests with different graphic styles and this zoom out issue seems to ONLY happen on Classic SD not Classic HD or Reforged. At least in my testing.
Update 3:
This finding is very inconsistent it has more chance to bug on Classic SD but still happens on Classic HD and Reforged, so with that all said please test this yourself Blizz and hopefully you see this issue too before Live.