Proposal to Blizzard balance change of night elf vs human

Night Elf Moonwell - instead of health and mana. the healing by right should only heal health and mana need to buy clarity potion, and healing should be slowly replenished instead of instant heal. it’s so OP where archer go back to base instant heal. DH tp back instant heal .

Night Elf Ancients Building can attack as melee while rooted, there should be an upgrade for building to attack should be like T3 to allow building to attack with upgrade. because the building damage is so high and elf dont even need unit to defense their own base when face melee enemy.

Human Farm = the most useless building compare other race.
-peasant nearby should have some Farm benefit eg: should add some capability to fast regenerate health of peasant nearby.
-wisp can instant heal on moonwell. or detonate should have 2 seconds delay else they kept avoid EXP gain by enemy
-acolyte can fast regenerate life themselves on blight. why not peasant?
-peon can hide in burrow and shoot.

Human Town hall. after human base got destroyed, rebuild it, and cannot call to arm for militia. it so stupid. it should have an upgrade to allow call to arm on 2nd expo if its not came by default.

wrong. they make excellent walls and can make it difficult for the enemy to fight in your base when positioned well. They’re cheaper and faster to build than the other food buildings too. Effectively make your towers immune to melee units.

Wells are still pretty OP but this isn’t a human/night elf specific problem.

I do agree that your only existing town hall should always be able to call militia.

wrong, any building can use as wall such as moon well, ziggurat, (except like use of burrow) to fight inside base . but the problem is moonwell can heal, ziggurat can turn to tower on last minute while with having fortified armor, burrow can hide burrow and shoot arrow.
farm have no use at all beside doing a stupid block that human have no choice but to use it that way. plus u need 2 peasant to build 2 farm to just provide 12 foods while other just use 1 worker to build and get 10 foods. i would trade moonwell, burrow or ziggurat with farm if you think other race need farm to just block the base. it just doesnt make sense all races have good used of and farm is just useless. plain useless low hp, waste of worker built time.

elf have building that made them excellent melee attack defense while they are their own base and having moonwell at base proven to be excellent cheat to instant heal . but human militia is just EXP feeder. they are useless.

Wrong. While other buildings can be used to obstruct, Farms are by far the best at it due to their smaller size and allow you to build a much tighter base than the other races can.

They were SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED this way for this puropse, and you can say “wrong” all you want, but its a fact.

In the early days of the game’s design they originally planned to include walls like those that were in Warcraft II but they were cut, and the farm was made to fill this role.

if u notice, other race can be and have better tight base , same things if can be done on human. it can be done on other race. i can make my elf base with moonwell tight and have AOW or other building as MELEE attacker if enemy approach. they have self defense capaiblity without unroot like it used to be, and the DAMAGE is SUPER high. the footie die instant upon entering elf base.

you see, simple fact all main base like town hall, orc great hall, necropolis, tree of life have at least few self defense on its own. only human town hall upgraded to castle have nothing . not even shooting arrow or self defense (at least a T2 or T3 militia have better damage ? better armor? better health?) but NO. but it should have T2 and T3 upgrade on improved miiltia or hide worker inside? or health regen on worker surround radius.

-orc fortress is the only main that have spike upgrade. any melee attacker take damage.
-undead black citadel can shoot cold damage slowing enemy
-elf is the most OP, from T1 to T3. it have melee damage with up to 60-70 damages per hit.
-human castle is the only T3 have 0 self defense. plus calling to arm isnt working on expo unless u upgrade T2. it doesnt make at sense. it has 0 defense capability.

let say ur having choice and most often human cant trade the base while elf attack ur base and ur base just have useless militia and broken lousy tower that die easily while elf base can self defense with melee attack on its main and moonwell can heal the wisp while they repairing. upon human town hall die. elf TP back to save its main while ur human army is pretty dead already . moonwell heal. building have melee damage. its a gg. very imbalance.

I haven’t noticed, because they can’t. That’s a lot of words that mean nothing because it’s factually inaccurate. You’re also failing to take into account other factors, like Human’s building armor/HP upgrades, with which farms providing the same food as the other race’s food buildings able to soak far more total damage.

ok u are right. human farm is better … u know right. farm only provide 6 foods . and u need 2 farms for 12 foods. and also 2 peasants to build time instead of harvest woods.
orc and human are similar but u dont see orc lack woods like human.

orc have 3 upgrades in warmill while human blacksmith have 4 upgrades that cost more woods. and orc burrow 160g 40w , same amount as human farms 80g 20w x2 farms = 160g 40w, but orc only use 1 peon to build them. human need 2 peasants to build 2 farms. it takes longer time and waste alot of wood harvest time.

i made an excel calculation. human has the highest lumber usage for upgrades. including T2 with 210 woods. other race is 180/190 woods. its insane.

Yes, they provide less food, because the cost less and build faster. Obviously… Because they’re cheap and fast, this is what makes them well suited to acting as walls.

Wells and zigs do more stuff, but they’re bulkier, cost more, and take longer to build.

Damn this horrible human cry baby still keep posting.

Looks like a skill issue human player to me